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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Porto, kinda cool?! Hell no, this place is a big shithole. This whole country is in fact, we were great in the past now were mere idiots. I wanna live OUT of this goddamn country when I go up. I would like to go to America, Japan or UK.

    East NC, Amerikuh.

    There's a guy from this area who lives in Okinawa, Japan. It was for work (Military) but from what he's told us about the past year, it doesn't seem too bad. Just the fact of learning the language, getting used to the road, population and such.

  2. Well there is other ways you can active it , but I'm not allowed to say it here. ;) Well hopefully you get your activation code.

    btw what OS does your PC come with?

    In public anyway :rolleyes:


    But uh, yeah dude, just install 98 or whatever back on and be done with it.

  3. preferably via a fist...

    That would provoke him even further.

    And if a bully backs down after you punch him he isn't a very good one.

    Actually, bullies usually try to target out weak people in order to avoid that. THEY don't want to be the ones being attacked. They want to be feared, and they won't be feared if their victim turns around and knocks the shit out of them.

    Does anyone ever get those people that're bullied A LOT (Mostly because they're dumbasses, though) trying to do the same to others? These are the kind you beat down and they'll become your bitch afterwards. Seriously, the MAIN SHERIFF'S son is a disgrace.

  4. Seriously, buy the game..

    ..If you have, buy it again, it's still illegal to use a crack..

    Not EXACTLY, but in usual cases, the crack is used with illegal intent etc.; In which its warez which can't be discussed here, at all. I'm not saying you're lying, OP, but it's something not allowed here period.

  5. State contractor. Take care of an extremely retarded kid's day to day needs like picking up prescriptions & doing household

    shopping. Mostly just be around in case he throws a violent tantrum.

    some days I just have to turn on the TV & give him a hot dog.

    some days I'm rebuilding walls.

    depends on him.

    They can throw a tantrum so bad you have to rebuild the wall?? :/

  6. It's all about content, if you had the best GTA news in the world, it wouldn't be shit. If you keep that bollocks image saying some shit about how interesting a decorative UFO on a building in San Andreas, that will get your site nowhere..

    Why do you act as if you own the internet?

  7. Grocery store, blocker (straighten up shelves) $6.15/hour. And whatever hours they give me. I don't like it, but it's a job and better than what most people my age have (Nothing)

    No really weird people, just a few stuck up bitches.

  8. Isn't really stereotyping when they really do drive 20-year old pieces of shit with poor gas mileage. Seriously, these rednecks are getting on my fucking nerves. Doesn't really help that I'm in East Tennessee and 80% of the people around me are rednecks who do that shit. And most of them act like they could kick your ass, even though the majority of them are wimps too chicken-shit to do anything other than talk.

    Fuck rednecks. Right in their cousin-screwing asses.

    If you're wondering why I'm so hostile towards rednecks, let me explain a few things. I can't stand country music, NASCAR, most pickup trucks, boot-cut jeans, and anything else which may classify you as a redneck around here. Not to mention I've been discriminated against by rednecks for the past four years.

    It's funny, because I wear Levi's 527 Bootcuts, listen to Heartland rock, and drive a compact pickup truck with a cut muffler; but I don't consider myself even close to a redneck and neither does anyone else I know.

    He said around there...

    But, I'd say it's normal around there. As it is here. Four wheelers, dirt bikes and big trucks (Okay, not COMPACT trucks, but still. The rest applies.)

  9. I hate assholes who don't use those little fucking levers either side of their steering wheels. Yeah, i'm talking about indicators.

    Some stupid, stupid driver today pulled into her drive without so much as a warning. I was forced to slam on my brakes, to avoid smashing into the back of her. I did avoid to, but, because it was wet, cold, raining and dark, so i came right off.

    The damage:

    Goodbye indicators

    Goodbye wing mirrors

    Goodbye intact exhaust end can

    Goodbye being able to start the thing without forcing the throttle, and the same with the choke (lever than leans out the air / fuel mixture)

    Goodbye revs above 4K (Meter goes up to a good 10 without hitting the red)

    Goodbye relatively unscathed fairing

    Goodbye foot pegs

    Goodbye brake / clutch lever

    Goodbye will to live

    Goodbye not having to catch the fucking bus


    This is why there should be cameras on the streets. Or throwing grenades at cars. Either/or.

    I don't want to be watched 24/7. I mean I probably am, but at least I don't feel like it.

  10. Now my friends(was) bully me because of my new girlfriend, seriously, I feel like going stabbing them all..

    Are they gay?

    It's that age of where if their friend has a girlfriend or whatever, they're jealous, therfore make fun of, bully, etc. No offense Connor, we've all been that age, but it'd probs be the reason.

  11. I have a fear of small spaces, and being trapped..I go psycho mad when that happens..

    Same, actually.

    I fear stuff happening.. well, i'm just one paranoid mother fucker. But i live by the phrase 'fortune favours the brave', so it balances out...

    I have a weird thing with heights. If i'm high up, i can look down no problem, but i can't look up.

    GF's mum has a fear of buttons XD

    Looking down is easy, but once I look up my balance starts to go.....

    Then you're all floaty and feel like you're about to fly off, right?

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