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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. im being seirious my dad has a huge drinking problem and hes 10x stronger than me

    Domestic abuse...? Cops.

    I dunno, resort to teachers first of all. If all else fails, whack him in the temple with a baseball bat. And I mean hard.

  2. UO legendary. 'poor man's flame-thrower, do you prefer deodorant, hairspray or WD40? - hairspray FTW - Big Cans!

    But yeah... no more anonymous confessions from me...

    You know the flame could go back into the can and explode in your hand, right?

    I don't have confessions..

  3. Well, I think I read somewhere they were gonna move in (At University)...So yeah, I think they actually met in real life o.o

    BTW, Doesnt the moderators have only Modstick, and the Super Mod's have the Banhammer??

    That's basically a Phrase we use to express our 'Power'. Modsticks are used of course by Moderators, Banhammer is used by Admins and Super Mods. These words don't mean anything, just a joke we use to express our power.

    Um, no. I use both, bitch. :lol: And afaik, you haven't used it yet. So yeah.. o.o

  4. it's cartoony in the way that you could pull off 100x combos and grind telephone wires. That got boring after a while. Tony Hawk also gives you absolutely no sense of accomplishment after completing difficult tricks, mainly because there is no skill involved in the series.

    That's why we play video games. So we could do things we can't do in real life.

    I agreed with your first concept.. but not this. It's obviously an arcade game, like Need For Speed. There's no way I could drift around corners at 100+ mph. Online is where its at though, as with many games. And for the record, it's a 500x+ combo. Especially THUG / THUG2.

    What was my first concept??? :huh:

    WnN2's. That the Hawk series is dead now.

  5. it's cartoony in the way that you could pull off 100x combos and grind telephone wires. That got boring after a while. Tony Hawk also gives you absolutely no sense of accomplishment after completing difficult tricks, mainly because there is no skill involved in the series.

    That's why we play video games. So we could do things we can't do in real life.

    I agreed with your first concept.. but not this. It's obviously an arcade game, like Need For Speed. There's no way I could drift around corners at 100+ mph. Online is where its at though, as with many games. And for the record, it's a 500x+ combo. Especially THUG / THUG2.

  6. nickop222.jpg

    Call me crazy, But imo its ugly!

    Looks like a nice Skyline. Wouldn't be bad if it didn't have all the crappy decals on it and shit.

    Mine's = serious tuning place. If it didn't have those crappy decals on it, I doubt it'd be near as race prepped as it is. And, Dmac. I've heard the Escort GT's (of those years) were pretty.. well, quick. Ugly. But quick.

  7. Well theres many things that piss me off heres some of em.

    My grandmas dog.


    Taco bell.

    My computer.

    Kids who claim to do drugs.

    The words pwn, owned, and noob.

    Drunk rednecks who give you the finger after they cut you off.

    Most emos. (most of them just want attention)


    hmm well whatever thats all i could tink of at the moment.

    And THUG. Cuz THUG > thug2 + thaw (:

  8. I watch the show from time to time. I think a lot of his illusions look cool, but they are just illusions and I'm glad they don't try to make viewers believe its "magic".

    Well, I don't really like him, but I wanted to respond to that. The sad thing is, a lot of people (atleast at my school) don't think it's illusions. I dunno if they really believe he's magic or just don't know what the word illusion means.

    Well then they're retarded because Chris Angel himself said that he was just an illusionist.

    I agree, haha. Now, the one time I DID watch it, he had 4 huge hooks through his back and was held by a helicopter a few hundred feet in the air. What exactly was the point in that? :/ I mean if his skin broke he was pretty much gone.

    Nah, he'd fly away. :lol:

    I think it was to show the "super human" thing. That your mind is the strongest thing you hone and you could do anything if you can mentally handle it or some shit.

    Oh, right. I think it's more commitment than anything. Especially with extreme sports (Skating, BMX, Wakeboarding, snowboarding etc.) I mean if you're doing anything and you chicken out halfway through, you're gonna go down. Hard. But good to know someone on TV is encouraging people in a good way. Unlike that jeffree star cuntface. Egh.

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