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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Well, it's back. The suggestion helped quite a bit, but I still have Claude really "speeding" xD I'll be running and all the sudden he'll get a rush of speed and hit a wall and die. Kinda funny, if I find out how to try before I try the thing UO said to do, I'll record it.

  2. lolwut r u guyz tlkn bout, wut iz 1337 sp3ak?

    It's alright, as long as you don't overdo it or use it IRL. Like, in health class.. the teacher said "penis" and this girl goes "EL OH EL"..... just.. too much.

  3. Yeah, haha... I know it sounds really wierd.. but. Protective parents are protective. I've seen far and done much worse than GTA3 will show or let me do. For one, it's a video game.

  4. Well, I've beat GTA3 over and over again on the ps2.. so I want to do things that I couldn't do on ps2. I'm open to basically anything and everything that will make the experience better.

    BTW, is there a way to remove hookers (completly) and weapons (temporarily)? Not that my dad could see without the disk, but I don't care for the hookers being in there anyway, and weapons.. yeah, for safety.

  5. My uncle has this nissan hardbody (Cool truck, just rusted really bad) and there's a hole in the bed where you cna see the road, kinda cool and scary at the same time, haha.

  6. I mean, you don't want to lose velocity (right word?) of the air flowing out of the exhaust, but you don't want them staying contricted, either. Backpressure is when the air is going back UP there, restricting. Not good at all. That's why if the neons with those 4 inch fartcans really had that big of an exhaust, they'd be extremly slow....

    Oh wait, they already are!

  7. Eh, not much into exotics.. I don't remember if said it before, but I like to keep my thoughts realistic, haha. AND YAY CAR PICS! When you think that 6-speed swap is going in?

  8. Nah, you brought it up :P And you gotta get comfortable with it, I mean.. this.. this is nothing. I get stalkers from time to time, they're easy to deal with. Don't worry about her being a psycho, I doubt she will be.

    Just go up to her and tell her.... or call / message her, I dont' care. Obvious she doesn't get the clue.. lol. So yeah, either... do something about it, or I'm gonna start harrassing you :P

  9. Then tell her. I mean, if you're sure you don't want it. I just thought of something else though. Just talk to her, unless she's all over you from the get go. You never know when it'll be good to have friends in different places. It's saved my ass a couple of times.

  10. Kind of looking at 2nd generation RX7s... naturally aspirted, as I can't really afford the TII (single turbo) model. They look like this:



    They're hella sexy cars, and would be a lot better than some beater in the 3K price range.

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