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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Yeah, I'm not gonna befast to do that. I think she's 14 though.. apparently she's in Drivers ed.. so.. 14.5 or barely 15.... meh. I'm almost 16.. no worries. One year is nothing. Plus I wouldn't've guessed, so yeah.. no worries. I'm still wondering how old you are :P And I don't mean 98, haha.

  2. Fear of taking things too fast -- good or bad? I think it's good to have it in the back of your mind not to, but then you constantly thing "should or shouldn't I" If you arn't fearing, you might really take them fast, and end up freaking the other person out. But you won't constantly be thinking about it....

    Am I right? About the second part, I mean... the first part is me >.>

  3. Eh, I don't like them... and can't stand people that race their Tibbys at the stoplight. They're the only car I think looks decent, but geez.. they're just slow.

  4. The L word eetz ur kittiez at nite.

    Seriously though, I've learned from that.... I said it meaninglessly, and it came back to me. Hard. Now... I save it for when I REALLY mean it. and not like.. "ur teh hotz, i m teh hotz, letz fux cuz i luv joo" like some kids (my age.) do. In my own mind, it's just a word not meant to be toyed with. A girl will go head over heels for you in some cases if you do it like this. Then again, love may be different for everybody. I've only been one person, I would have no idea.

  5. Ooh, I see. I'm sort of looking for something serious. I mean, not like the "IMMA MARRY U N HAVE YOUR KIDS!" kinda thing, though. Just a secure relation with two people who like eachother (I REFUSE TO SAY THE L WORD, AND SO SHOULD EVERYONE ELSE MY AGE) and are... commited? I guess.. like.. won't cheat, or fuck you over.

  6. Haha, I havnt' "really" have a girlfriend.. but eh, times are changing.. for me atleast. It's just however you wanna do things. When two have common interests, it just sparks it off like automatically, man. And ontop of looking nice, it just adds :D

    I'm kinda suprised at the 10 years ago.... the gun show, not so much, haha. I never would've guessed, though.

  7. Yeaaah dude! Go for it, that's what this topic is about :D I'll post a picc (if I can find it) of the .22 tommorow, because I think my mom would freak out if I was diggin through their closet (walk in) while she asleep, haha.

    edit: Full auto? Niice. How many rounds per minute?

  8. I'll merge this with my previous post later, just to get this bumped up.. how do you guys meet girls? I kinda do in school.. pretty few, and some on myspace (Like I'm talking to this one now ^_^) but that's really about it. A lot of the people I hang around with dont' hang around with 'my kind' of girls.

  9. Nice.... is it a full auto? My friend has one (Or maybe it's a russian version of one? Not sure. I think they saids something about Russian. Maybenot.) but it's semi. Havn't shot it, but it looks cool.

  10. You'd get shizzowned here for taking it to school. The only gun I can hit something with is a shotgun, for obvious reasons :P This little freshman shot a 12gauge with a safetyshot or something and it bucked him back. It was.. hilarious, to say the least

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