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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Well, I just asked for a number.... and well. It's a long story, but I hope I didn't make her mad.. hah, I doubt I did (Not over the number thing... it's something else.)

    Edit: Nope, not mad at all..... and I got it, yay. Now I just gotta call tommorow.... and not bitch out. w00t w00t!

  2. Haha, yeah. Girls can be quite complicated... and no worries about the sincere part... I've seriously learned my lesson about that. It's hard to tell for some of them, though. People fake sincere, like the asshole dudes that seem to get most the girls. Then it gets confusing for the girl, and in comes decisions and yeah.

    Went through that before, I lose'd.

  3. Heh, off. This one isn't going to be.. action-y. The second one, will. Hopefully I'm going to make the second one on the new computer, if the graphics arn't too bad. It'll be a lot easier to setup things, and I'll be able to do things I'm not able to on the PS2.

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