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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I'm not even gonna try it on this thing, the way it runs. Otherwise <3FF.

    Not the smartest when it comes to real things like that.... what's with the whole liter measuring thing?

  2. 3.4L V8? o.O Sounds kinda small.

    OT:And yeah dude, no prob. I dunno if Oskar has PM'd you (or Vincent) yet, because my browser is really screwy. Apply in the gang system, if you will ;)

  3. well not only having weapons in the trunk the whole story line of vice city is a copycat of the scarface movie so dont come here and say R* isnt copying

    Excuse me? I don't think I said a word about R*. Just the fact that the "weapons in the trunk" came from the TC games before Scarface.

  4. How long can trucks get? Uh... they can only have one trailer.. so.

    To get the trailers.. well, there's a code for it. Look in the code sections, should be there. There's a few here and there, but I don't know specific locations of them.

  5. Haha, thanks. It should be here pretty soon.. it's only up in Ohio. Hopefully I'll be able to get a nice graphics card and be able to play some games for once.

    Just a few questions though..

    1. What should I do for system security? I don't want Norton or Mcafee, or anything that's going to slow me down... even though I think that's the least of my worries.

    2. Is partioning hard? After the last HDD incident, I think it'd be nice to be able to do.

  6. Well, after I messed up the HDD in my AMD K6-2 (500mhz) we got this Intell Pent. II (333mhz) and this is slow. So today my dad randomly says "lets buy a new computer." So we go on ebay and start looking around and came across this:

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 DUAL CORE 4200+ (4.4Ghz, 2000mhz FSB)

    2GB of DDR-2 RAM

    64MB On-board graphics (Could've gone to GeForce 7300GS.... but I wasn't sure, and that money went to another gig of RAM)

    160GB HDD

    And some other little stuff. Everything for pretty much $450.... already put together, just need to get an OS. Good buy?

    Link on ebay

  7. Alright, so I'm making two stories.. and the first one is just to get me into the mood to do one, because I want the second one to be nice.

    So we're back to a flood story (They're just fun to to..) and I'm not going to tell you the whole setup or anything.. but the vehicles I'm using kind of "exclusively" so far are:




    News Van

    18 wheeler (Just generally)

    Cop vehicles (Probably get progressively "different")


    "Super cars"


    Then for the most part, they're probably going to be normal. I need to know if there are any civilian trucks that can have hydraulics on them (Lifted effect) because I've only got 3 so far and can't think of any others. I just have a few questions, though.

    1. Use your imagination, and suggest stuff. I might've overlooked something and can use it quite well.

    2. Is there a way of making cops stand still beside their car for a bit without mods?

    3. Would you rather it have 1 point of view or a few? It'll take longer with a few, more thinking involved.


  8. Well they have already copied some ideas of Scarface, like having weapons in the trunk.

    That was in the True Crime games before Scarface came out. I think it'd be kinda cool though. I wouldn't want to have an insanely nice car, and come "home" to a shithole, haha.

  9. @Llamma: Yeah, she's probably just a tad worried with you being the same age as her, just protective over her sister.

    I won't us the 'L' word, because according to skyline, it eats kitties in your sleep, or whatever he said.. lol

    Unless you're positive when you say it.... you don't. The ninjas will eat your kitties and pirates will steal your house.

    edit: And on me... things are going quite well ^_^

  10. With age.. it depends. 14 and 16 isn't too bad (That's like a Freshman and Junior dating.. don't know where you're from though) but if you're a Senior and screwing 12 year olds, then yeah... I think that's a problem.

    We kind of have this 'stupid love' thing in my family. Anyone who married someone rather older, didn't go over so well. Got beat, bad relationship (partner was a druggy or something) or just didn't like them after a few years. But yeah, my family is seriously messed up, so they're nothing to go by.

    ((Just a disclaimer, I don't want to get flamed because someone mistook it.... stupid love as in just went with them "just cause" or money or nice cars, promised a better life, etc.)

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