Here we can talk about drugs and what drugs you've done and your knowledge of them.
Petrol: Well you all know of my experience with petrol, it made me hallucinate basiclly. 7/10
Weed: Those of you'se who have smoked weed, will know the heavenly feeling you get from it. 9/10
Nutmeg: This hallucinate was just like weed excapt it lasted for about 3 days and took 5 hours to kick in....very nice. 9/10
Light Fluid: During my dumbfuck days i was into sniffing lighter fluid, it is pathetic thing to do, all it does is make you fell light headed, and a bit dizzy. 1/10
I will add more that i've done later.
NOTE: Don't be a douche and post something like i've smoked crack, herion, ice and taking Ketamine, Becuase no one will believe you because most people who have taken all those drugs are most likely dead.