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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Well that is just gay. They are nice animals, just some douchebags have raised them wrongly in the past causing them to have a bad reputation
  2. Still Playing Gangsters: Organized Crime
  3. What a stupid law. They don't even give the dogs a chance?
  4. I'm hoping France win and Argentina Win
  5. UP IN SMOKE TOURRRRR I need everybody in this muthafucka to bounce your arms like a lowrider....
  6. That's what i'm saying the original gangs for glasgow are proper, but those pathetic ones in londom who calls them selves the trigger and pommy youth crew are sad i'd like to see them stand up to a bikie gang from australia or new zealand
  7. Welcome bk2070, enjoy your stay, here and please follow the rules.
  8. Yeah and of course the brothers of destruction won.
  9. Yeah, they are good, ever heard of Gary Myers.
  10. Yeah i watched it , Undertaker is going after the title again and i'm so happy.
  11. Yeah, and they haven't thought of that yet. i mean 2-3 people die there every year from falls. If I'm right that means 176 people have died from falling since it was opened.
  12. That's pretty bad, poor dad went all the way down their and done CPR, but i guess people will never learn.
  13. I love the Sniper in that game, how it follows the bullet. Gangsters: Organized Crime
  14. That was my point, Jace. Pit bulls are RAISED like that. Otherwise, they are VERY loving and affectionate animals. I've known plenty in my life, and still know pit bull owners who love their dogs and treat them with care. THEIR pets, have NEVER harmed another creature. Agreed, I had a Pit bull and a Staffy and they were the nicest animals i've ever had,they are only vicious when thay are raised to be agressive. You guys who think you have heard of bad things happening to animals, take a look at this site. WARNING: Some Pictures are graphic Animal Cruelty
  15. You can tow cars around in SAN ANDREAS....i've never known that OMG i've gotta tyry this
  16. Yeah i've completed it about 7-8 times, i love the whole gangsta them it had going it was awesome.
  17. Yeah thats true, but a lot of those"black' street gangs in england, are just guys trying to be hard, they have no orginality or hardness like the ones I've seen in L.A, there a drive by happens everyday that run around with Ak's and shoot each other for being in a different gang, those gangs in england are just bored youths trying to be hard by bashing a couple of people and having some weapons...to me they are giant douchbags.
  18. You know what would be cool for GTA Manila, if we add a mission were we have to blow up Paris Hilton
  19. Hehe That's Classic. 77 VW Rabbit (Golf)....and so is that car
  20. Hah, Yeah , it ruined our car once and we were broken down in the middle of a really busy tunnel waiting for the cops.
  21. Yeah, thats what their called here, They are actually good for you, thats pretty awesome
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