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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Thanks guys, I'm still practicing and learning new stuff. Here is my first attempt at a wallpaper( very poor)
  2. Nice. Very good work. I like the cinemas and all the billboards.
  3. Ever heard of the Chelsea Smile?? it was invented there. What ever you do don't try and draw attention to yourself. Chelsea Smile: is a very violent attack in which a credit card is placed into the mouth creating two smalls cuts on each side of the mouth where the lips join together. The victim is then either stabbed of kneed into the balls causing him to wince out in pain casuing the two cuts on each side of the mouth to rip all the way to the ear. Leaving a permanent scar, which makes you look like your always smiling.
  4. 10 days until our birthday :o

  5. Pure Genius....nuff' said. And your Australian Pure Genius and Pure Champion aswell.
  6. Triple Post Ok, now i have OFFICIALLY re-opened my store. I have mainly opened this to get better at graphic designing Please see first post.
  7. I am not stealing your customer TFY, I'm just really bored.
  8. Why does it affect you ...your 13
  9. What is that big concrete thing in the middle?
  10. Yeah, i once had my own plant, but it made my room smell more like weed then it already did, so did the only thing possible....I smoked the whole plant.
  11. Haha, yeah i didn't mean too, It was quite awesome.
  12. I like the fact that you left the old ghetto in there, it shows originality.
  13. hey can you c-walk yourself? but anyway I'm listening to Yes I'm A Quicker by Kurupt.... its like a weird techno rap song thingy lol Yeah i can C walk i'm average at it. Slob 187 - Bloods & Crips
  14. Nice work Llama, i was once into the same sort of style and music. I've moved onto rap because a lot of their songs i can relate to. Sidenote: MrLlamaLlama is not an emo.
  15. Well yesterday i giant horse racing lizard fell into my pool, and i buried it, i checked up the back of my property and i found it and been mauled and had no head.
  16. Back to the classic....DUKE NUKEM
  17. The Shawshank Redemption - Great Movie nuff' said.
  18. Eddie Murphy Rodney Rude Ty Barnett Richard Pryor
  19. That's awesome, how much you want for that?
  20. well thank god for that, just please stay active here...we miss you
  21. happy birthday man.

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