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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. Oh, isn't he the guy that WENT INSANE AND KILLED HIS FAMILY AND HIS SELF? So what does that matter he was still a great wrestler, and NO he didnt go insane.
  2. you watch wrestling?? the meatloaf scene from wedding crashers on youtube.com
  3. NO the wanted level still stays on, it is a permenant thing until you die or lose the wanted level back in Los Santos.
  4. Great series, Some things freaked me out but yeh none the less an awesome series.
  5. HOBO : hey man got any food ME : yeah braah here(passing him my extra mars bar) HOBO : I AINT YA FUCKING BRO!!! ME : WELL FUCK YOU THEN(snatched back my mars bar) This is what happened last night....................... really funny
  6. I think this belongs in stunting.... Nice topic though
  7. Nice Choice, Little Chesnut..... One family over in Australia opened a cafe/resturant/diner near a mine field....and they rolled in the cash, But me i'm gonna be a Sparky(Electrition) they are erning more money some lawyers over here near the mines.
  8. Happy birthday man

    have a good one

  9. Happy birthday man

    have a good one.

  10. K9 Krew

    Junction 25

    Thanks TM, I didnt know that you needed GTA on your computer to start making a map
  11. Hye man whats your MSN ADDY?

  12. Trust me, they would'nt cancel it, it's one of the highest watched shows ever, if FOX canceled it, it would be a terrible thing for them......RATINGS WOULD PLUMET
  13. K9 Krew

    Junction 25

    Where did you download Juntion 25 i want to have a go.
  14. No offence, but this is stupid, people would just find them selves.
  15. I play my NES, 64 and MEGAdrive heaps i love the simplicity of them.
  16. God.........BATMAN has a ugly car.
  17. Hey MrLlamaLlama, I have a request Signature: 250(HEIGHT)x500(LENGTH) K9 Krew in this font(SEARFONT FONT) Black border Has to have a bulldog with a spikey collar with out the hat and could it have a ak 47 sort of faded in the background but i would like the main background to have crips and bloods in it( porberly this picture) Thanks 2500$$$ reward
  18. Well the flooding and bottle selling in Gloucestershire was on the news in Australia today, it looked pretty crazy, people buying trolleys full of 24-packs of water.
  19. Cholos are in VCS, I think you mean the azcatecz? Cholos, is a name for mexican gangsters.
  20. The one were the has just been shot is awesome.
  21. http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t269/Wu...a502a6bbd-1.gif Thats your code, all you have to do is take away, the spaces between the and the code.
  22. Ford Taurus, Well in Australia, My family was the first to own a Taurus in our state, I was very proud
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