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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. I just noticed the bank, I have 1600, I just became active, so is kind of good, for me, I just put all my money in the bank, and once SA comes out for PC I will be posting more, making more money.
  2. Yeah, I am 20 years old.
  3. Oscar

    NFSU2 car pics

    I really miss my save games, they died with my HD, modding cars was one of the bets things in NFSU2, but I dont feel like finishing the game again just to mod some cars.
  4. Well yeah, not as much as I liked them the time I took that screen shot, is a good band, but I change my bands with the time.
  5. Just so you know me, not the best picture of me, but one of the few I have in my comp:
  6. Math (aaaah, damn school!!!! )
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