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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. Yeah, it gives you 4% is the one I currently have.
  2. Oh, yeah Snatch, great movie, I´ve watched more than 5 times and I still laugh a lot watching it.
  3. Yeah, meteora is a really good CD, I like breaking the habbit, Faint, wait, I lik every song from that CD, I really do.
  4. I know I am bumping a really old thread but yeah, I like Linkin Park a lot, I think they need a new CD soonm meteora is old and the Jay Z duo, mmmmm, I dont know, I am waiting for a new cd.
  5. Lol, why everyone hate Harry Potter, the books are not that bad, and the movies are good to spend some time in the movie teather.
  6. Sorry for the double post, but I just changed it:
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