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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. Like in Saints Row be able to call Police/Ambulance/Firefighters/Pizza/Your mom...?Use this feature if you see a crime taking place/a fire/you`re hungry.And you`ll have to stay there (the area from where you called) about 1 minute for them to come.
  2. Just played FIFA 07,made a knock-out--tournament with 64 teams.
  3. Room 5 -Make Love(to te sences of music) Vice city Soundtrack...
  4. If in Beijing I hope it`s gonna be the year 2008 (Olimpic Games) and if in London in 2012 (Olimpic Games too) I dunno why ,and I don`t like the Olimpic Games .Important years:EURO 2008,EURO 2012,OG Beijing 2008,OG London 2012....This has nothing to do with GTA but I`ve heard that `till OG in Beijing they`re gonna build some really cool buildings with high-techology maybe in London too.
  5. Well I liked London 1969 but beeing in 1969 was the only reason I disliked,it was a great game with great controls and cars were also but was old...How about Beijing for a location( another country whwre you`re gonna get lost if you don`t speak chineese).?
  6. Yep another cool idea of yours GTAPlayer.But it would do nothing if they wont included although a great idea.I haven`t think of that.
  7. The answer is not that far away,only 13 days .And I didn`t like that GTA London 1969 `cuz it was in the late 60s and I wanted a few recent thoose days,just as I want now :A present time setting in London.
  8. How would God know? Well, GRAND THEFT AUTO 4: LAS VENTURAS!!! =)) God knows everything.It`s just a speculation.But what about the GTA Song as the theme song?Here`s a sample from GTA SA with CJ`s Voice What do you think?
  9. I know...I was just saying that GTA 4 might not take place in NY (that means of course Liberty City) But only God and R* knows...
  10. Some rumors said that it`s gonna take place in New York in the 80`s(this week) `cuz R* contacted a music band that sang in the 80s.But Maybe this isn`t a clue where is gonna be set.Maybe they`re trying to make the theme song of the game (the one that appeares first when you open the game ,when you see the credits).Maybe this time R* gonna make a GTA song so that`s why they contacted a music band,or they`re gonna do the GTA 4 theme without voices (normally used in III,VC,SA). I posted here because I think this might leave a GTA 4 Location competitor in the dust,adn that one is New York.
  11. I dunno but last 3 days I looked at the countdown only 1-2 times per day...Las week about 15-20 times per day....Maybe the time will fly this way faster.....
  12. Yes,`cuz Monday,Friday....I stay there 7 hours .It`s enough for me.My school is "underconstruction" they put new glasses ...all the school year is full of windows,wood parts,broken parts.....
  13. Yes I listen but only some songs... This is real rap homie:(was on the GTA SA soundtrack).Coolest song of Dre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF8VzahTvXo
  14. Stayed at school about 4 hours,came home,nothing important...And my bike it`s lost somewhere in the comon basement (all my neighbors use it)it`s a 5x5 meters room.
  15. XBOX360 can`t hold 12GB...The game`s probably gonna be compresed...So instead of 30GB it`ll have 9... First, I know of no compression technology that can turn 30GBs into 9GBs..... Correct me if I'm wrong, though. Second, the game isn't going to have 30GBs of uncompressed data anyways. That's outrageous..... No I was just telling that this game will not have more than 9GB because that`s the max that XBOX360 can reach,and it`s not going to have 25 or 30 GB.That`s what I wanted to say, not that 30gigs can be compresed in 9...My appologise if I wrote so that you cant get my point. Well I think 4GB of this game will be music(SA had about 3gigs) and the rest data...
  16. XBOX360 can`t hold 12GB...The game`s probably gonna be compresed...So instead of 30GB it`ll have 9...
  17. Wow you`re right we forgot about Hawaii,great,althiugh we ain`t gonna see snow in there.Wow "Say Alohaaa!" Hawaii is the best place to rest not to "be active" Although a good idea.
  18. But it`s this city big(I mean sq/km)?
  19. Yes Casablanca is cool,maybe it`s gonna be called Casanegra ).Cool city even though there it`s a high temperature.
  20. Between 8.5 and 9GB (I think XBOX can`t hold more).
  21. Yeah but what if it appeares an error before entering the game...???what`ya gonna do?
  22. Wow GTAplayer you posted almost 700 posts and joined in february 16,I have 275+posts and I`ve joined in 31 december I want a ninja sword better than Katana so that I`ll be able to cut iron/wood/plastic/unlucky peds/cops/my mom
  23. I don`t think it will happen AGAIN.My dad won about 8 years ago about 1000$ Yes I`ll have to wait `till 2008.While you`re gonna be bored already of GTA 4 .Kiding,you never get bored of GTA games. When I`ll see how the game looks I`ll say OMG
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