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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. Amazing.Only 20 minutes left and the world will change.
  2. OK subject closed for me, but I was only telling him and he started to argue.Subject Closed.
  3. 1. i dont care bout popularity MARILYN MANSON 2.whoever told me to shut up should get reported cause of the RULES" right??? instegating an argument 3.this isnt a popularity contest .net boy 4.M.Y.O.B 5.STOP SNITCHING!! 1.Who said something about Marylin Mason here? 2.who started it you prick?you started, when you used the Caps, I told you not to use it and you ... I`m instigating an argument here?I just told you not to use the Caps Lock Key. 3.what that means? 4.Caps Off Back On-topic:Do you think more ideas will com to our wishlist after we see the trailer?
  4. Parking tickets? funny idea but this game is called grand theft auto so is not normally to pay for a car that you don`t own and that might lead police officers to the one who stealed the car:you. Artie shut up before you`re gonna get reported.
  5. Maybe you should set your PC clock, the same thing happened to me after setting my clock 2080,March 29 , I think it appears if your clock is after the trailer will released (like 30 March,1 April)....
  6. Well I was 12 when my father brought GTA Vice City, he bought it for me, and GTA is the place when I`ve always learned something, without GTA I don`t think I would be able to speak English as good as now.Lot`s of things I`ve learned from this game, so kids if you are more than 12 years old than play GTA, it brings you only advantages but it`s not indicated by the rating companies(Mature 17+,PEGI 18+...). My dad was bored and he played GTA 3 to relax after a hard day at work it was so funny...
  7. I`m not excited is just a normal boring day of my life. WTF? Are you kiding I`m more than excited, I`ve been waiting for this since 2005 and now we`re just 5 hours away.
  8. What is forbidden or something? BTW I`ve edited it, is OK now?
  9. I`m pretty surprised this is true, I`ve read a few days ago(1-2 days ago) this Top Things that GTA 4 Needs and I`ve read that article but I didn`t knew if it`s true and the trailer wont a teaser but now I`m happy, but now that is confirmed I`m 100% sure this is true.Thx Chris.
  10. The first 3 hours at school were OK Got two grades/marks today A+(10), B(8), and a test-paper at math, I hope I`ll get a good grade. Off-Topic:I`m kinda stuck on FEAR so Nate, have you completed that mission in the sewers or whatever? My mom is gonna make me some pizza today ....
  11. I wonder why R* said that "things will be different"...I mean not only things will be different, characters too, or "things" involves the characters too? Maybe they should of said "All will be different"
  12. What`s wrong with you guys? Stop bumping this topic... After a guy(I think it was me) replied to this topic 1 year after the last post(february2006-january 2007 when I replied) and you keep bumping it... Somebody close this topic `cuz the new-comers and not only are bumping it.
  13. Bad news TG, I heard that in our country it`ll be at 1 or 2:00, not at midnight as I told you before...
  14. Lol.I think I`ll watch the trailer in the morning(I have only 4 hours friday) or maybe I`ll need a clock to wake me up .Wow thoose are gonna be looooooooooong 4 hours at school without seeing the trailer, so I must stay awake.
  15. What 2 AM? I thought it`ll be 00:00(midnight) in Romania... Can someone tell me the hour it`ll be released in London, etc...(GMT 0)?
  16. I just hope it`s not in low-resolution, I`m expecting at least 800x600 or maybe even 1024x768... BTW Only 3 days 3 hours and 00 minutes 20 seconds...
  17. Good and also bad day for me.Got a 10(A+) at Chemistry and I made some serious mistakes at Latin(test-paper) so I don`t expect a good grade...
  18. Something about weapons (especially guns ). Maybe this has been mentioned (maybe I mentionated earlier on this wishist). -realisic looking guns:in all GTAs the guns looked like toys, I mean with no details only had 1 max 2 colours, and no shading, very less detail, I want more deatails -more realisic shooting(mentioned in my wishlist):is like your weapons have 0.5 kg not 10, the firing is too easy, I want my "crosshair or target" to move if I hold the "shooting" button, too loose aquaracy, similar to the revolver shooting, I wanna feel like firing a gun not like a 100 grams toy one -no more pink/yellow/red/transparent halos or whatever you call them , it`s ennoying how the weapons just spin 10 feet above the ground(watch my pic), just to fall on the ground and press a button to pick them up, but to be able too see how you charac. grabs them and uses them not just are instantly in his heands after pressin TAB(PC version). -dual different guns left hand:Uzi right hand MP5 Deagle Revolver AK47 Deagle I mean to be able to dual almost any weapon in different combinations.In Truce Crime LA was possible to have in one hand an AK47 and in the other MP5 and to shoot with them at the same time , in one hand "heavy guns" and in the other one "medium(Uzi,MP5..)" or "easy"(pistols:Deagle,Revolver).That`s what I want But not like to dual 2 heavy guns (Rocket Launcher... and AK47,M4A1...). And better shadows:In SA I couldn`t see the CJ`s shadow while riding a bike, only the bike`s shadow...Should be fixed is what I say...
  19. 4 Days 6 hours .I wonder if the trailer will be in high-resolution...Any possibility to be low-res?
  20. thoose weren`t my coolest ideas but it might happen...
  21. Ideas if it`s set in the future... -play as a robot( like in The Terminator-metal skeleton but human skin) OR -when you die you will respawn at base(your houses) not at hospital by using a machine similar to the one in Devastation -a computer recreates all parts of your body after you die) into a base...
  22. Maybe GTA 4 will have an important city just like GTA 3`s city, that`ll "give" us all the main-charcater, Tommy was related to Liberty City, CJ stayed there 5 years Claude is from there... I think everything will be related with the 1st part of GTA IV`s city, and we might return in this city later (in other parts of the game...) I`m still thinking about what "Things Will Be Different".It makes me very excited everytime I think at this.Only 4 days and we might find out what TWBDifferent.
  23. Irony(icaly)...R* guys just try to boil us harder... "Things Will Be Different"-This message almost kills me ,I`m tired of waiting...But I`m sure NOT all "Things will be different" `cuz otherwise it`ll ruin GTA...(something like real adverts/cars). -new engine-new graphx-new characters-added vehicles/weapons-location change----Maybe this will change.
  24. I want car-shading(or something like that, so you can see your face/buildings--Like the car`s "body" to be like a mirror
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