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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. No one posted on this topic :( :( Why??? Sorry for double post...
  2. Well the speedometer adds a lot of realism in the game-play.when you crash into something you can figure it out why your car has that amount of damage (of course if the damage in GTA 4 when hiting a tree at 100 mph and a car a 40mph isn`t the same like in previous GTAs)you hit a tree at 100 km/h and have let`s say 50% damage,but when you hit a tree at 200km/h you have 100% damage(your car is "toasted").If you see the speed you had you can think how much you need to do to your car 10%,20%,30%.... damage.But of course GTA can exist without it and it`s not that important, but it would be kool if it has+if you have 100 km/h and a sign shows you the speed limit is 50 you can figure it out why you get a star if a cop spoted you...Otherwise you`ll wake up with a star for what you think it`s no reason...but it is.Speedometer is not a must it`s more like "it`ll be cool to have..." I don`t mind that GTAP says all the time "man" it`s funny...
  3. 8 days 16 hours 32 minutes.... All the trailers were cool...Here`s my list: 1.GTA San Andreas Trailer -awesome soundtrack "Jungle Fever" by The Chakachas,cool clips.... 2.GTA Vice City Stories Trailer-the soundtrack of the trailer fit perfectly with the action inside... 3.GTA III Trailer-cool 4.GTA Vice City Trailer-cool but for a game like VC it could of been better 5.GTA Liberty City Stories Trailer-not to cool Only more than a week to find out if the GTA 4 Trailer will be better...
  4. Cool King 2003 Do you have a picture of his dad I watched Life with Louie and Louie had a cool fammily...
  5. So almost 8 days `till that magic day -29March 2007.The best trailer was the 1st one of SA,better than other`s GTA trailers...Altough VC was a masterpiece it didn`t had a great trailer.I defenetly want to see in GTA 4 Trailer how the player walks down the street with a rocket launcher and parallel with him in the air it`s a heli....best part of the SA trailer should be in GTA 4 trailer is all I wanna say ,but maybe it`ll put other things more interesting. Someone asked me if I`m from USA,well not,USA is far away (5-6000 km)...Eastern EU is where I live BTW I just don`t get it how a few days ago I callculated that the trailer countdowm will end at 1:00 (Chris said it`s gonna end at 23:00 GMT-and my time is +2 GMT so it should end at 1 but now it`ll end at 00:00 .The hour here hasn`t changed.Now it`s 9:08 and the trailer shows 09:02:51:16 .The trailer will come 1 hour earlier
  6. Stayed at school 7 hours(almost) ,took a 7© at Romanian Grammar ,came home took a shower,slept 2 hours and here I am...
  7. I like all the characters...But the characters that will return will be older. Imposible to return characters if GTA 4 is set in the 2000`s I never liked Avery C,thoose "demolition" missions were nasty... Edit:Why Claude doesn`t look younger in SA,he looks like in GTA3,but Ken Rose. looks much older and only 5-6 years have passed
  8. WTF is wrong with my countdown,it shows 10 02 08 00- and the trailer will be released when is 1 in the morning but now is 9:52 so it should show another hour 10 03 08 00?My date/time is correct I`ve checked out...
  9. I wont piss you off with anything then Damn why my trailer is showing 10 days and 2 hours instead of 10 days and 4 hours (`till 1 in the morning)?My Date/Time is correct...
  10. Well you can drink and smoke different "merchandise",anyways it`s like taking drugs but with less "power".So I dunno if you can take(inject)drugs in SR.but check this videos 1.Alcohol+others 2.Drugs(not a great quality of this vid) http://youtube.com/watch?v=BatMb4ORWKg
  11. Hope this is not offtopic:I just watched Jackass Number 2 It was really funny...thoose guys were crazy ...To much nudity than the previous Jackass (2001) but in rest I laughed a lot...
  12. Dre feat Snoop Dogg-Nuthing but a G thang on youtube
  13. It would be cool but I dunno` I mean in SaintsRow was cool,but I`m sure in GTA it can be better with more effects...
  14. YOU ARE NOT SCARY Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?
  15. WTF GTA Player?Why you always train?Are you some kind of a athelte,a boxer or why?
  16. The lines/quotes/mission and objectives names you like from different games Here`s a few of mine: GTA 3 ped"My mother`s my sister" Claude "..." Ped GTA Vice City-"No,I just wanted to piss you off before I can kill you" "Shut up Ken!You`re my lawyer not my interior decorator..." "We are so screwed man!" Ken "No one to cover you` ass.eh...Tommy? Lance -Just die you backstabing prick" Tommy "Somebody call me a medic" - I think this was from GTA 3 Ped "I trusted you Tommy ...but you disappointed me" Sonny F "Eject!Plastic crap..." Diaz "Where`s my goddamn money?Where`s my goddamn stuff? Sonny Forelli And now the best from VC "-Hey Phil they`ve got your wife!!! -But I`m not married... -You are now-TO AMERICA" GTA San Andreas-CJ:"I hate gravitty" "motherf***k you" OG-loc Max Payne 2 :"I thought you were dead...I saw you with a bullet in your head... Max -Maybe it`s still there,keeps me focused" Mona Mafia-The City of Lost Heaven The best line from all game,play it and you`ll see why "Mister Saglieri sends his regards" "Send my regards to Mr. Salglieri" "Return to Saglieri`s" Objective "Lose the tail" Objective True Crime New York City - Marcus:"You have the right to....you know the rest..." I`ll come back later with more .What do you think about my favorite lines? Post your own on this topic....
  17. the A grade at English...Nothing important at school (stayed there 7 hours) after school I went to pay the `net and I came back and now I`m here...
  18. Lol rememeber that Euphoria has "Bio-Mechanical AI" maybe it`s a clue but also maybe it`s nothing.We entered in the final 10 days to the countdown (Top 10 )
  19. On my previous post I said:GTA had an anti-drugs attitude in III(a mission where you need to clean up the city of drugs-some packages if I remember correctly) and SA(always CJ sais no to a drug dealer...and you must kill them) So probably NO drug taking in GTA but who knows...
  20. Man who`s gonna do Tommy Vercetti`s voice if he appeares in GTA 4? And MJackson isn`t that important for me but it wont be bad...
  21. Sorry to dissapoint you but I think we`re both wrong http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9109513/San-Francisco It says that SanFran has 46 square miles and that`s way more than the hole SanAndreas map
  22. WTF?Be happy guys.When you`ll retire (if you`ll made it) you`ll have plenty of time to play games...But maybe you`ll be in a wheelchair always needing pills...Games are like a drug....enter but never exit...But I don`t believe that you`ll die with a console in your hands...We`ll just have to take it easy.....`cuz now we don`t give a s**t about life and we stay hours and hours in front of our PC/console playing games...
  23. 2025:Hy honey I`m home... -Hy (kisses blablabla...) -While you prepare me some food I`ll go play GTA 6.Damn I must finish it -Ok,dear,I tried today to do some missions but I couldn`t -Well dear even wimen can beat this game so keep playing -Ok now I`ll go.... Me and my wife (if I`ll have one ) conversation after work... WTF?This can`t be possible....I mean we`ll have responsabillities,we`ll be able to play games about 1 hour/day.We`ll probably have to fight with our kids to play Vgames <<If you don`t let me play this game,son you`re grounded >> Imagine
  24. WTF?Cities with 32 million people?Imposible...Plus, GTA doesn`t need a big(in all ways population/economy/land...) city :Vice City was set in Miami,that`s not a big city...London is 10x bigger...if not 20x.And I heard somewhere that Mexico City has 20million people,biggest in the word,but I dunno if it`s true...Any city that will be in GTA will be minimized....I mean San Francisco(San Fierro in SA) has 47 square kilometres and the entire SA map had about 44 sq/km...Plus Mexico is not a cool city ,but it might be a posibilty.
  25. I mean we play Vgames all day,but we`ll ever stop?Will you stop?I mean when you`ll grow up (be an adult) with a job/fammily/kids we`ll you still playing games? I think I`ll never stop but only play games about 2 hours per day,`cuz now I can`t count the hours.I think I`ll play them rarely,after an exhausting day at work ,kids pissiing you off,wife unsatisfied......I don`t think I`ll jump at my Pc to play some GTA But of course I`ll play it when free...with my kids...
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