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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. Agreed... If you wanna steer right you won't know what's coming from that side ... Very Ennoying ...
  2. WWYDI someone shot you in the head ?
  3. Scream and run out of your sight WWYDI I left this forum ?
  4. ~!@#$%^&*()_+`1234567890-=QWERTYUIOP[]\ASDFGHJKL;'ZXCVBNM,.//*-789+456+1230. My keyboard
  5. Oh, dear ... This is the alphabet you pricks QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM
  6. What's next ? The Eiffel Tower ?
  7. Thanks for the info, I didin't knew we should expect a GTA 4 preview these days, tought the next one will be avaible August the 15th 2007 Good info Edit: I found some new info ( quotes ) * Cops communicate with eachother, providing line-of-sight eyewitness accounts of the street you're on ... * You may be able to disguise your ride at a car wash ( rather than with a paint job ) * If you take a bulletproof vest, another health ring will appear - not a quote * With no random floating hearts, you'll regain help by eating and SLEEPING ( And possibly with courtesy of hookers too ) Sleeping YAY!
  8. Man, I love the pic ... Have a nice cup of ... a nice day :)

  9. The Colombians, the Mexicans, hell ... even one of those cuban refugees ( Tony Montana ? ) are cutting themselves a nice slice @WnN2: In this case he needs ... to be blonde
  10. ZOMG! TG187 viewing this topic Anyways, what is Spaz' Mii ?
  11. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahaha, I was mentioned on the www.gta4.net site ! *cough* *cough* I was so happy *duh*
  12. Plus, the water is contaminated (petrol, chemicals etc. ) ... Just think how much damage was produced, who's gonna pay for it ? ... I'm sory for all guys in England ... Here, the last rain was 3 weeks ago, and 5 countys have Code Red because of the heat ( more than 42 degrees celsius )
  13. :lolbounce: :lolbounce: :lolbounce: :lolbounce: :lolbounce: SPAM SPAM spam spam spam spma spma psmpamsxpmapmspmapdmspamdpapsm
  14. I doubt it but I would be very happy
  15. I voted for the chicken but I dunno the answer God created the chicken then it made eggs ... w/e
  16. Gycu


    I voted "No" ... Never played it, never will ... Edit: Shouldn't this topic be in the Gaming chat ?
  17. Only yesterday I first saw the last pic ( Niko holding a cellphone ) ... The rest are old ...
  18. Here's a pic of my KEYBOARD Hey Gycu! S P A M 4 E V E R
  19. I'm watching some Funny Accidents ( compilations ) on Youtube
  20. Silberio must be happy now, Chile won over Austria at football 1-0 ( Under 20 World Cup ) *cough* and they won the Bronz Medal ( 3rd place ) Insert: Center Insert: Topic Link Insert: Post Link Insert: CODEBOX Insert: SPOILER Insert: Acronym Insert: YouTube Video Insert: Google Video Insert Special Item FontsArialArial BlackArial NarrowBook AntiquaCentury GothicComic Sans MSCourier NewFranklin Gothic MediumGaramondGeorgiaImpactLucida ConsoleLucida Sans UnicodeMicrosoft Sans SerifPalatino LinotypeTahomaTimes New RomanTrebuchet MSVerdana Sizes1234567 1234567Silberio must be happy now, Chile won over Austria at football 1-0 ( Under 20 World Cup ) *cough* and they won the Bronz Medal ( 3rd place ) BB Code Help Toggle Side Panel SPAM
  21. Looks like this is serious, a guy from Hull ( Northern England ) died in the sewers because of the water ... Also in Sheffield a 13 year-old boy died because of the floodingss, the same thing with a 68 year-old man ... I'm sorry for them ... @Chris: Me neither, I just googled it and found the site
  22. Silberio is just a nickname or one of your real names ?

    Me gusta tu sombrero :D

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