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Everything posted by GiiBz

  1. ^He's just got 1,000 posts!!!! Well done Gycu Brun Yeah there idiots lol....jk,jk,jk,jk,jk,jk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well whenever i'm ill/ sick/ bored/ feeling spaztic (most of the time) I just cause huge crashes in NR2003 season, lol my biggest wreck is 53 cars. w00t
  2. I bet i can eat more shit than you!!! 903
  3. So what if it's a real church.... So what happens in say WWIII (IF it happens), will the people be saying "You can't bomb here cos you'll hit our church and then we'll take your weapons away..." So what it's a game, for fun!
  4. Oh no! Violence! In churches! ~***WARNING!***~ *THIS IS NOW A JACK THOMPSON ZONE* Lol So what if there's a church in a violent game? >There was a church in GTA:LCS AND GTA:III >There was a chuch in Maximo: vs the army of zin >There were churches in Driver 2, DRIV3R and Driver Parallel lines. SO WHO CARES?
  5. GiiBz

    WW1 Game?

    "red baron" is about WWI but your in a wwi fighter plane (which tends to stall all the time......It's worse that the dodo and looks like the stuntplane...)
  6. Hi again! I wanted to know if NR2003 Is any good! Everyone says it's the best NASCAR game they made, but i just wanted to know if anyone has had any really good or bad expersiences. If i do get it i will probably mod it.... So, Should I Get It Or Not?
  7. what r the specs of ur new card?
  8. Run the game then Alt Tab out and then start up the spawner, choose a car then inject it.
  9. ^??? wtf UrbanOutlaw what are you talkin about?! He wants to kno how 2 snap a peds neck.....
  10. Zareak lol, what was your freinds reaction when he was hit by a taxi? Another one of mine was in LV i was on the highway when i was hit by a car (taxi that i had modded with the handling editor, so it went stupidly fast) and i went flying through the air. I landed and skidded and then got back up only to have a crashing ruslter hit me l0l!
  11. I had a 6 star wanted lvl and i went into the Hotring Racer Stadium Event and tank spawned and ran everyone over and i won XD but as soon as i crossed the line i got hit by the tank and blew up. But cos i was in the stadium i respawned outside it again!
  12. thanks guys...Been a but busy laterly!
  13. why not add it as a link and upload on anther site?
  14. i THINK you mean this pic but u need 2 scroll along 2 pics 2 see it
  15. i dunno im not doing the map....Im doing the cars......
  16. hOW COME @ the top it says the code then "Cop car blue" then you enter it next to a copcar name and it comes up red? Is someone in r* seriously colourblind or what!?
  17. IS THIS ON 100 PAGES YET? IF IT IS THEN THAT WUD BE C00L W O O O H O O O O O O O! Oh uyeah that reminds me NASCAR is on!
  18. Yay Jace is getting agry! Yay Penis is getting angry! L0l Nanny Mcpenis
  19. Yes... Strangely enough it's called a bus..... Whcih trailer is parked outside "Shady Industries"? Artict1: Boxy Artict2:Gravel hauler Petrotr: Petrol Tanker
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