^Nope, you get 25 extra points which makes a total of Health as 125...
And no need to go for the cheat IMO, the hookers can be well identified, the three I know are :
1) A girl wearing a black two-piece, boy-cut hair
2) A girl wearing a two piece with a red bra and brown shoulder length hair
3) A Black girl with a one piece with a zebra patter on the dress
Just get a good car and park nearby them AT NIGHT AFTER THE CLOCK STRIKES 18:00, and press the horn, one of them will come stand near the car for a while and then she'll get into the car. Just park somewhere quiet, preferably a grassy area [Like the area across the road from Ocean View hotel]... you know what happens next. During the act, health goes up and money goes down...After everything is finished, she gets out of the car, just kill her and take your money back, sometimes, you get more than you paid.
Hope this helps.