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Everything posted by Carlsberg

  1. after NFSIIse the only game i was so addicted to was carmageddon II
  2. you call them good, they ain't even in the same zip code as good.
  3. well i like cena's entrance music.(my time is now)
  4. well i may not like you that much jade but i respect you in the forums so please try to stay as active as possible please! well its too boring today, theres a political party meet today so theres a lot of traffic.
  5. wow, very cool, your a photoshop freak for sure
  6. REMOVED, i don't want you to break my finger!
  7. i want to meet evolution dar-el silberio chris bear jade jace jayD TFY tommy montana oskar nate10 CROscorpion and the list will keep going!
  8. I m not into those stuff but they look cool!! BTW please change your sig!
  9. just took them now! my f***ing webcam
  10. i want an avatar of cricket 2007 logo which is rotating constantly like PS3 player's!
  11. you could have edited your first gfx shop rather than creating a new topic. BTW they dazzabar looks good, you could post them in te dazzabar topic.
  12. lolololollolololololoololololololololol
  13. i think vice city is the best till now!
  14. i liked the the first book, i liked the way JKR described the castle and its features
  15. I liked apocalypto mainly because of the atmosphere it was taken on! well i love FORESTS AND JUNGLES!
  16. guess my second name its starts with"k" and ends with"r" very uncommon ,you may need to check wikipedia!
  17. well i just bought the NVIDIA 6600GT, and its cool!
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