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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Alright man, welcome to the forums Cloud, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here, have a nice stay! Edit: Shit, forgot about the other two, welcome Thomas 765 (again ) and Chris92, have a great stay here!
  2. Well yeah man, I know about that one... I know that some of the characters you killed in LCS are buried in the cemetary in Staunton Island.
  3. That would be a great idea, of course if it takes place after LCS and GTA III, and it's most likely to take place in present time. Anyway man, cool idea
  4. I'd love it to take place in Russia, I'd love to see some snow. Anyway man, yeah in the beginning of the trailer you saw a sign saying "Visit Vice City - $300", that would be awesome to be able to travel to different locations. And yeah man, having a mission where you could go back to Russia something would be great, just as the Saint Mark's Bistro mission in SA.
  5. I don't think they will have the 100 000 first Xbox 360 Elite in black, nah, I mean, come on man, wouldn't it then be pretty damn stupid selling add ons in black? The Xbox 360 Elite will probably stay in that color. Anyway man, I think Microsoft has f***ed up big time, really. They soon now have like, what, 3 different console versions? And poor suckers who has already bought an Xbox 360, of course ppl get mad at them. And still no hardware changes on the Xbox 360 Elite, same disc drive and processor. Nah so no fckn way I'm getting an Xbox 360, even if they have a lot of good games I'm still not interesting you know.
  6. Yeah man, I know about that one, I'm certainly looking forward playing it Alright man, atm I'm playing Driver, fckn classic you know.
  7. Well yeah I gotta agree that the missions were pretty damn easy in VCS, but some of them were quite a challenge. Anyway man, there's no big disappointments, really, the game is fckn great. Yeah sure man, I'd like a little bit better frame rate and all, but still the game is great.
  8. It wouldn't be right you know, putting kids in the game. R* would seriously get in big trouble, big time.
  9. This is a new chapter and all, and I don't really see old GTA characters coming back nor old gangs, so I think pretty much everything is going to be totally new. And I don't think we will have the same map, it's probably going to be really big, bigger than San Andreas perhaps.
  10. Well no one knows so far, but I definitely think it's going to take place in Autumn 2007, the season when GTA IV will get released. GTA III was released in Autumn and it also took place in Autumn, I think the same will happen with GTA IV, but you never know, might also be early 2007 or late 2006.
  11. Yeah that wouldn't be bad. Yeah, Liberty City looks fckn amazing in that trailer.
  12. Six times? I think that's a little bit over the line, I don't think it's 6x bigger than Vice City. Anyway man, about Liberty City... LOOKS GREAT! Really love it so far.
  13. No, I believe Tommy Vercetti is 35 years old, well that's what I've heard. And the russian guy looks like mid-30s-early-40s, nah more like 37-38, that's not old. I mean, and I don't get it, IMO the main character seems great you know.
  14. Yeah man, exactly tdog07029. By the looks of it, it really looks like GTA IV may be set in Autumn, I'm not sure but it also looks a bit like early spring, you know a combination between winter and spring, but yeah, no snow in the trailer, but R* may want to surprise us, oh yeah, snow would be fckn great.
  15. Yeah you never know, a new one might come later. The trailer is here, oh yeah, I loved every part of it, it was amazing
  16. I think you all have to deal with it that it's going to be the main character. IMO he seems great man, R* has done great so far, more than great, amazing, nah I can't describe it, just awesome, love the trailer, thanks R*. Edit: Some people may feel that it's going to feel repetitive and all, but just wait, when GTA IV is out, we will love it, every part of Liberty City, everything, it's going to be great.
  17. Oh yeah, I got a wish, a good one. I hope you'll be able to travel to Vice City and possibly other cities, as some of you already know, a sign in the beginning of the trailer said "Visit Vice City - $300", so you never know
  18. Well I wouldn't want any kids in GTA IV, I don't know, no animals or kids, it's just too much you know.
  19. Yeah man, that's what I've been saying you know, huge difference compared to the past GTAs, amazing you know, truly amazing. The graphics in GTA IV is absolutely fantastic, details and shadows, oh yeah, fckn great
  20. Well besides the amazing GTA IV trailer, I'm also watching The Oprah Winfrey Show
  21. The beginning 0f 2007 eh... Well either that, or it's going to take place in Fall 2007, looks a bit like Fall too you know. And yeah, just like GTA III, it's probably going to take place in present time, in the same city.
  22. Yeah I think they'll call it Liberty City, but you never know. Anyway man, that trailer was amazing, absolutely amazing, I'm speakless. The main character seems great, the graphics is awesome, the shadows is totally great, fckn realistic. The trailer is great, BTW I also like cold and gloomy places like NYC Seems like R* has done it again, oh yeah.
  23. Yeah man, I know what you're saying Gycu Maybe you should post your own GTA character, like how you wanted the character to look like and all But anyway man, seems like it's going to be a great main character.
  24. That's the fckn point, a woman is not supposed to wanna be with him, this is GTA you know And nose and all, I don't give a crap about that, but we all have our different opinions about something. Well I think this is going to be a great character, probably one of the best since Tommy Vercetti.
  25. Well right now I'm playing VCS. Good to have if you're waiting for GTA IV
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