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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. I'd probably freak out, wonder where I am, get confused, scared, I would do anything to survive. WWYDI you woke up naked in the jungle? Perhaps same answer as mine.
  2. You seem to have many ideas for GTA IV DeAtH, so why don't we go in the Wishlist topic, this topic is about what we think of the main character. Yeah, I know I went off topic a bit, it happens everyone but hey man, I'm just saying, have ideas for GTA IV? Go to the Wishlist topic
  3. Hey man, I think this belongs in the Wishlist topic, not to be picky or anything, but I'm just saying the way it is. On topic: Yeah, I think it would be great, and I think it will be much more realistic when crashing and everything, trust me.
  4. Yup, that's about it. While in the cab, maybe you should be able to see everything in the car, and outside the car windows, let's say you could move the camera view with your right analog stick. Great for exploring.
  5. You didn't answer the question. I wouldn't do anything, I'm not a fan of WWF and all. WWYDI the GTA-series got banned everywhere?
  6. Well that was VCS on the PS2... Now we're talking about GTA IV, also, that was the chunder wheel, the rollercoaster will be different. Yeah, more places, I'm sure about that, I'm pretty damn sure the map will be bigger than the GTA III one.
  7. Hey man, be nice to Jackie Chan Nah man, this is not funny you know... That would be real bad you know... Just the thought of it makes me pissed off... WWYDI you woke up naked in the jungle?
  8. Yeah man, that's true, so yeah it's a possibility of course that we're going to be able to ride the rollercoaster, we'll see what happens, even if you can't, that wouldn't matter to me you know, it's just a rollercoaster, but riding it would be pure fun you know. Edit: Shoreside Vale would probably look awesome.
  9. Haha, I just knew you would say something like that, I just knew it. I'd probably go insane you know, delayed till 2009 would really... Piss me off, I don't know I... I... Hehe. WWYDI if Jackie Chan knocked on your door?
  10. Upgrading the 20 gig version big time? How? Where you heard that?
  11. Shit man, surprised that this topic has been stayed "Paused" for a while. Anyway man, I think we should spark it up a little bit. I don't know man... Depends on the mood and everything, but I'd probably say hey man, what's up, I think I recognize you... Let's see... You're that alien hunter yeah! WWYDI GTA IV was delayed till October 2008?
  12. Hehe, I think you're right about that one... He looks more to be searching for... I don't know... Freedom... Peace... I don't know, something like that.
  13. I haven't heard anything about an entirely new game engine (unless you mean new to the GTA-series), the engine is called RAGE, was used in Table Tennis. Well, I can see it happening, why wouldn't the game engine be used in Liberty City?
  14. That's correct man, he goes to SA in 1992, but I don't think we'll see him again cuz this is a new chapter you know.
  15. I don't think we will see CJ appear in GTA IV, this is a new chapter and all, I doubt it.
  16. I think you're wrong about that one Cloud, San Andreas was set in 1992 you know. Edit: Oh and we're not talking about San Andreas here, this is Liberty you know
  17. Yeah I didn't think about that, the motorbikes were banned, well I wouldn't worry too much about that, I'm sure we'll see motorbikes in GTA IV. As mackyle12 mentioned, it will probably have some reference how the ban was lifted.
  18. Some russian names; Vladimir, Boris, Stanislav, Dmitriy. Edit: Also, right taken from that link Personally I really like Vladimir.
  19. I'm not at all pessimistic to the idea you know, I know it could work you know, and yeah would be pretty damn fun
  20. Well either way, I think a Sports radio station would be great.
  21. If that's the way how you feel ps3 player, then go buy one. I'm certainly going to wait a while, doesn't hurt...
  22. Man shit, not a bad idea ps3 player, not bad at all... That would be pretty damn cool... HE SCORES! Yeah a Sports radio station sounds pretty damn nice you know.
  23. Well I've never been playing Gears of War, but it sure looks amazing you know But it's not just about the graphics of course. Anyway man, on topic, I'm playing on my old N64 right now, playing Perfect Dark, classic.
  24. Cloud, I think you're wrong about that one, She's On Fire that's in GTA III on the Flashback FM radio station was wrote by Amy Holland you know I think Train released a song called She's On Fire in 2001 or something.
  25. I think you should be able to go down the sewers, that would be pretty cool, good hiding place too And some rats wouldn't hurt, just adds more realism.
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