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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. It's ok folks! I found out the name of the movie, all I did was searching for "movie+man murders for money+1977" on google, and I found out that the name of the movie was The American Friend, google is really your friend you know.
  2. Yeah man, Driver was an amazing game and I still find it very enjoyable. Now I hope Driver 5 is going to be something good you know. Ubisoft now has license over Driver 5 and I hope they make something good out of it, they are the ones who can save the Driver series from going down you know. The Driver series has so much potential you know. And I don't know when Driver 5 is going to come out, but strangely amazon has already the release info of Driver 5, March 7, 2008. Now that's almost five months after GTA IVs launch date, that means Ubisoft has some time you know. Anyway man, I'm not sure if amazon are right, I've got no idea. I'm really looking forward to see Driver coming to the next-gens platforms you know. Check here to see for yourself.
  3. Yeah I'm going to watch the new James Bond movie on DVD. Anyway man, some time ago I watched a great movie on TV, I don't know what it was called but I would really want to see it again you know, and plus I didn't have the chance to see the end, it was really late and all. It's a foreign movie I think, it's about a man that starts to murder people for money, he's a good guy and all and start having a really guilty conscience, he has a family too, one daughter I think, he works in some kind of shop, and the place where he lives is cold and gloomy, I don't know man, somewhere in Europe I think, oh and he was on a train too with a friend, they were going to murder someone, I think after they murdered the guy they throwed him out of the train, and I think this movie was from 1977. Now I know this is not much to go on, but does anyone know which movie I'm talking about?
  4. Well I've already mentioned two great cop killing spots, but what about the mansion in Starfish Island? At the top of the roof, cuz then when the heat gets too much you can escape in a helicopter.
  5. Right now I'm listening to the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack, amazing, I really recommend you to listen to it, it's great.
  6. Nah man, you don't need to apologize It's cool man, it can happen anyone. Anyway been seriously playing some Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, haven't played it for years or something, and the reason why I started playing it again is because I had to figure out something you know. I almost forgot how good this game is, the music is fantastic and the gameplay is amazing.
  7. Hey guys! I've been busy with that pic Gycu sent a while ago, and I've come to conclusion that it actually is Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, so I was right about that one. Here's a pic I took, look, you can see they are both from the same game: So now we know for sure, just wanted to clear this up.
  8. I'm not sure if that first one is a real fake... Looks more of a crime-city game something, I don't know man. The last one looks a bit suspicious too you know, so I'm not really sure those are GTA IV fakes... But man, they look really nice. Edit: Now this is a fake man, looks pretty damn good, but I suppose this one is old too. Notice the 7 wanted level stars.
  9. You're right man, we gotta sit back and relax and start posting real GTA IV fakes, know what I'm saying. Yeah I agree man, the pic looks amazing, you know the game? Anyway man, sounds like a good idea about putting GTA characters into other graphical pictures.
  10. Drizzling, raining, hailing, snowing... Man, I just love it!
  11. It's snowing as hell right now! WooHoo!!
  12. Well it's pretty easy to see when it's Def Jam you know, you recognize the graphics and all. And when you see two guys like that... But if you had removed them it would have become much harder you know. I had no idea that pic was almost a year old so my apologies. Is this just a fake? Or is it from a game Cro? If so, you know which one? This one looks pretty damn good, wouldn't you say?
  13. Still feeling for some 80s music you know, so I'm listening to the big hit from 1984, George Michael - Careless Whisper
  14. My father get me game for my birthday but I can't run it on PC my father bought. I never said that, I can't get rid of the GTA serial? It was never in my post? So you got Double Agent for b-day? Nice... Well, heard it's a great game you know. Right now I'm playing a little NHL 2006.
  15. Yeah that one was pretty damn good
  16. I gotta agree with Cro, it looks like Def Jam. Edit: Guys, I think you forgot to check the fake I posted on page 11.
  17. Yeah the graphics is really nice, the second one is too small but it looks great. So do you know what game the first pic is from? If you know, give us some hard clues. Edit: Found a fake, has anyone seen this one before? It looks OK I guess.
  18. That's some really nice pics you know Damn, I'm so excited to play VCS.
  19. Gycu, I don't think it's one of those guys you know Probably just some funky guy cruising around doesn't know where he's going or what he's doing. Cro, yeah man... That's some nice fakes you know... Damn really nice, especially the first one.
  20. Well are you sure he's a russian? Yeah man, that's exactly what I thought, must be some ped from Vice City or something.
  21. Yeah well, you never know, I might be wrong, or I might be right. Edit: That guy who's driving the bike on the pic, must be cold for him when he's just wearing a pink suit and nothing on his head
  22. Yeah that scene sure was funny you know, he shoot the TV I think, and then Tommy says something like "It's probably not plugged in", hehe and Diaz is kinda surprised and says something like "I can buy a hundred tomorrow". That scene is one of my favourites yeah, but there's so many damn good cut scenes in Vice City. I also love the one when he's talking to Sonny on the phone in his hotel room, the room is so damn beautiful and the chat is really serious. And of course, the first cut scene is great. Oh and the one when Lance Vance says something like " You know one day I'm gonna save your ass, and you're probably gonna wanna kiss me" and Tommy says "Wacko" That's a nice cut scene. Damn, there's more but I can't remember them all you know.
  23. Yeah the graphics is a little bit low yeah but so damn nice with the snow and everything. And Gycu, I've got no idea man... First I was like thinking Hitman 2 Silent Assassin, yeah remember St. Petersburg in Hitman 2? The streets looks the same, the location on the pic is probably set in St. Petersburg or somewhere in Russia. Well I've got no idea man, but if it had better graphics and all, I'd love it to be GTA IV.
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