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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. Well today's been the laundry day if you know what I mean. And some jogging and oh yeah... The best thing that happened me today is that I got VCS, damn excited to play it, yeah that's right I haven't started playing it yet, a couple of days ago I got Driver Parallel Lines and I wanna beat it first, it's a pretty good game you know and I've finally come to the year 2006.
  2. Yeah 2003, we like your name man, thumbs up. Cro, yeah if you put all cities on a blu-ray, but I'm talking about one of these cities that's on the list. So Cro, what location do you want to see in GTA IV?
  3. Yeah I know what you're saying man, and I agree, only in important missions like when you have to kill som V.I.P guy or something, know what I'm saying. And yeah it's a cool idea with the evidence stuff, I hope we will see something like that in GTA IV, and yeah we should expect much from R* when it comes to the games physics and all. And in Parallel Lines you don't die, it's the other driver that dies, and personally I would like that better than that both of you dies, know what I'm saying? You know man, in Parallel Lines you only get hurt a little bit, you only lose a little bit of life and yeah I think that's better, even if it isn't that realistic it will make the game more fun, I mean how many times do you crash into someone elses car man!? Know what I'm saying!? Oh yeah and I'm sure it's been mentioned before but more possibilities when you cuztomize a car, I mean should be alot of options man, know what I'm saying.
  4. Yeah why not man Oh yeah... There was something I was gonna say before... Yeah I've been playing alot of Driver Parallel Lines lately, got the game a couple of days ago. You know something, when you crash into another car the other driver dies, now that's realistic, isn't it? So, shouldn't GTA IV have something like that too? Like if it's a big crash, then yeah the driver should definitely be dead, but when we're talking about a easy crash then they should survive and all. Sounds like a good idea?
  5. This is pretty damn good man, a little bad quality on the video but pretty damn good. I like the stunts too, but I'm not really a big fan of the music
  6. Ahh good one man, I gotta add that to the list. Yeah Chicago is really something man, I mean, it has all sorts of crime and it's big and it also snows, yeah it has pretty much of everything you know. Fox City? Yeah, I guess that's a pretty good name so far, got anymore? Anyway man, yeah I'd like to see Chicago, it has a big crime history and all... Yeah man.
  7. Vegetables are healthy you know, I should really try eating more vegetables, but anyway man... Tomatoes is one of my favourite man, yummy, you know on a hot summer day when it's really hot and you need something to cool off, well then don't go for a coke, go for a Tomato, oh yeah it's great on that hot summer day. And of course, water
  8. Yeah... That sounds... Boring But don't take me wrong man, it's better than anything I can come up with. And I'm not really into that cuztomization thing, know what I'm saying, only if it will have online play.
  9. Yeah Spiderman was a great movie, but Spiderman 2 didn't satisfy me that much, but still it was pretty good. I'm looking forward to Spider-Man 3, release date is May 4th this year.
  10. Putt, yeah The Godfather 1,2 and 3 are some classics man, buy the whole collection, doesn't cost that much these days. Anyway man, I'd like to see some classic action car-chasing movie from the 70s man, know what I'm saying. Like Grand Theft Auto ('77) or The French Connection ('71).
  11. I'd say... Don't forget about what we've been talking about the last couple of days... Moscow New Mexico City Shanghai Hong Kong Tokyo Toronto Boise Seattle Rio Havanna Kingston Sydney Glasgow London Chicago Yeah, and of course Carcer City and all fictional cities man.
  12. Yup ArtSweet, you got that right! Yeah I'm really looking forward to this you know, and well, PS3 just seems to get better and better
  13. I mean, wasn't the hardest mission The Party? When you were gonna pick up Mercedes and leave her at the Pole Position Club? That was a damn hard mission, man I remember, it was a pain in the ass driving... I didn't know what to do man... Hehe just kidding Man that was one of the easiest missions ever, and I really enjoyed having Mercedes on my bike ahhhh... Nah anyway... Nah I don't know man... Hardest mission eh... Damn I gotta play Vice City again to remember, but when you were gonna save Lance ass that was a bit of a hassle.
  14. I agree 2003, those are pretty damn nice locations man. And don't forget about Kingston man, now that could be a great location too you know.
  15. I'm really looking forward to everything, I've never played online on a console before you know, I've always played PC games online, know what I'm saying. It looks really cool that you can create your own character and all, but alot of MMORPGs have stuff like this. But I'll see, I know how it can be, it looks great and all but then later it shows out it's nothing but a disaster... But I'm really hoping for this, and I think it will be something great man.
  16. Let's look at this a bit more realistic shall we? Now there's not going to be something like GTA IV: The World, forget about it... But I gotta agree that it would be cool and all, but it's not going to happend... Wanna bet? Now I think there's a bigger chance it will feature different cities and all.
  17. Shooting rabbits? You're right about one thing, it wouldn't fit, and nah, I don't see it as something cool man.
  18. Hey ViceHog, just sit back and relax, enjoy your stay.
  19. Oh yeah and that cut scene on the yach? You know when most of the GTA characters are introduced, man that's one of my favourites you know. I especially like it when Steve Scott is talking about his up-coming porno movie about a giant shark Haha oh man, I think the mission is called The Party.
  20. Hehe yeah, sounds like a pain in the ass man. This means you sure gotta think before taking action, know what I'm saying? No mistakes, hehe you gotta think more like a professional than a big sloppy criminal, yeah having more possibilities in the missions and all would be great you know.
  21. Touche' I actually found a pic of her on wikipedia, on a Rolling Stone magazine from 1999, and a shot of her in "Baby one more time'. Those days are certainly over. I used to have "eroctic' thoughts about her, in that school girl uniform, when I was a young lad. hehehehe MVC, hehe yeah I know what you're saying man, I know what you're saying.
  22. Yeah man I understand what you mean, sounds good to me you know, maybe not 50%, maybe 30 or less, I don't know man, and there should be more options for the cops than just come and knock on your door in the middle of the night, know what I'm saying? Man let's say if you've been a very bad boy, then I mean a very bad boy, then maybe they should be able to take the helicopter and storm your house? Ahh yeah that would be kinda funny you know But yeah it's a good idea man
  23. Watching Pacific Heights, pretty damn good movie but funny too, haha that guy who takes over the house is a fckn crazy maniac man! Oh man...
  24. I know what you're saying about the parachute man but I'm sure it wont be like that in GTA IV, of course if it will have the parachute thing. Now about your ideas, that sounds kinda funny you know, hehe but pretty damn exciting too Man I would do both things just to see what happens you know, well, let me tell you something, if the cops knock at my door... BAM BAM! Know what I'm saying? Ha, well I suppose then they send FBI and all shit. Anyway yeah, you know something, I'm not really sure of that idea of yours but yeah, it would be kinda funny and all, make it more realistic etc, but I'm afraid it's going to get too realistic, know what I'm saying? But it could work pretty good I guess, but maybe, I'm just saying maybe it would get boring in the long run.
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