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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. They did? Had no idea, too bad, maybe they saw more possibilities with the snow on the next-gen consoles?
  2. Well I saw Claude most as a streetpunk or something, like an errand-boy or something, a good one of course, know what I'm saying. But Tommy Vercetti felt like a more important person, he has that big mansion and all that shit in Vice City, so yeah, I'd go for Mr. Vercetti.
  3. I was thinking about that one, yes, but it doesn't count as a GTA We've already had palms and all that shit, now we want something else, snow would be great.
  4. San Santos... Man, it sounds just like Los Santos, man... I really hope we will get some snow in GTA IV, man we've never had any snow.
  5. Well right now I'm taking it easy... Ahh man... Fckn tired... Oh man!! But, ahh, I'm trying... I'm trying to stay awake... Oh man... Had weightlifting yesterday and now I can really feel the muscular pain... Right now I'm gonna be lazy and view this forum.
  6. Ok well, I personally hope it's going to take place in Hong Kong, it has everything you know, it's mysterious and big. Or Tokyo, neon lights, the japanese mafia and all. Ever watched that James Bond movie with Sean Connery? When he's in Japan? Looks damn nice. But Rio is great, just play Driver 2 and you'll see.
  7. Right now I'm viewing this forum and checking out some other websites. I'm going to go to bed soon, I think... Getting real tired, yawn, but I'm bored... Wondering what I'm gonna do...
  8. Well if this is true then... This is great news, I mean human nervous system, oh man, fifteen years ago I never thought this was going to show up.
  9. Wu-Zi-Mu, yeah Rio would have been pretty damn nice, but we've already been there in Driver 2, but I know what you mean, it'd be real nice.
  10. What are you doing now: Viewing this forum. What are you going to do: I don't know man, I'm too tired to think.
  11. Playing Buffalo in NHL 2006, have won three games now and lost one. It's pretty good man, but a little slow you know.
  12. Gycu, sorry man. Your wishlist seems great, and I hope we will have snow in GTA IV, we've never had any snow, it's about time we have it eh.
  13. Yeah Spiderman 3 is really a must see, and RUSH HOUR 3 this summer! Oh yeah and I also like John Woo's movies, would like to have his collection someday.
  14. Yeah McAfee sure are great Works great for me you know, never had any virus or any problems with McAfee.
  15. CroScorpion, welcome to TGTAP, I'm sure you'll have a great time here
  16. Right now I'm playing NHL 2006, enough to keep me satisfied.
  17. Nah man, well I'm not against that idea, well maybe a little bit but I don't think that would work. GTA IV is a new whole beginning you know, a new chapter in the GTA-series, know what I'm saying. I'm sure if the PC-version will get released (which I think it will) you can mod it and make you look like Tommy or CJ or Claude.
  18. Man, I don't even know why I'm still playing it, but well, it's just incredible entertaining cruising around in San Andreas doing whatever you feel like, even after a couple of years it's still fun you know The missions is probably one of the biggest reasons why I'm still playing it, great game but IMO not the best in the GTA-series.
  19. Yeah man, that's a pretty nice avatar you've made. Next time maybe you should have some eyes and a mouth on the character
  20. Hehe sounds funny man I wish that happened to me, anyway nice man... There's still alot of things we don't know about Vice City I guess.
  21. Well right now I'm listening to some eurodance
  22. I would like to see Jackie Brown, by Quentin, heard it's a good movie. And damn, long time ago I watched that movie... What is it called, Pulp something... Ahh, Pulp Fiction yeah, I just remember a little bit of that movie but it was great first time I saw it. And Garfield, and Crime Story, heard it's one of the most serious Jackie films.
  23. Ragdoll physics and everything, well I'm sure going to get this game someday, well of course when I got an Xbox 360. Thanks for all the info man
  24. Playing Vice City now on PC. I don't know man, the graphics is better in the PC-version of course, but the thing that you can't move around with Tommy Vercetti like in the PS2-version sucks, well it doesn't sucks but it's too bad you know. But the positive thing with the PC-version is of course that you can mod it, and better graphics, oh yeah and MP3.
  25. Ahh... Spiderman 3 Well it was in that list you know, and I was thinking for a while... Maybe spiderman eh... Well I was close, good clues though.
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