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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. Then let us know E.J. we want some easy cash, man.
  2. Volim ovu temu jako puno!!! I love this topic very much!!! ----------------------------- Volim ovu temu jako puno!!! I love this topic very much!!! ----------------------------- Volim ovu temu jako puno!!! I love this topic very much!!! ----------------------------- Volim ovu temu jako puno!!! I love this topic very much!!! ----------------------------- Volim ovu temu jako puno!!! I love this topic very much!!! ----------------------------- Volim ovu temu jako puno!!! I love this topic very much!!! -----------------------------
  3. No thhey aren't pqnvfd uv efquv feiv feojh fbvpv h envdv fnošv ov unfi vip enip
  4. Yeah, that's good idea, more sports would make GTA trully the best game ever and already it is. New sports: american football, football, tennis, box...
  5. You put to meny enployee stuff, man.
  6. Right now I'm eating some cookies and I'm going to study.
  7. Yeah, it's pretty nice missions TonyZimmzy are you working in R* or something like that.
  8. Then because of that drug empire you wouldn't GTA you would have a Sims 2 Open for Buisnes
  9. Yeah, that would be nice. And what about kidnaping a selebrity ask for a rensom
  10. Then you know what I'm talking about but funiest is when Tommy says "You're in VC..."
  11. Yeah, thats would be nice man. Maybe there will be a cinema for downloading and watching some stuff from R* official site, man.
  12. I know what you thinking about VC is like Super Mario 64, best way for spending some time, man, you know.
  13. Yeah, that is good one And I like the 2 cut scene when you meet the Love Fist for the first time and they say something like "Hey, man, we need some drugs, man" and Tommy says "Well, you're in Vice City, what's wrong"
  14. Yeah, to become cop and kill all the robers and take stolen money for you self, that is a cop's buissnis in GTA Another of my ideas: animals can show up in the game with or without a owner and like to find the losted animals and get a reward for it
  15. I tought that the name is Candy Suxxx (with triple "x")
  16. Right now I'm drinking hot chocolate I'm going to press "Add Reply" boton
  17. Chicago is very good city for GTA it have a lot of crime and all of that. Edit: Maybe it can be called San Chico he he
  18. I like the cut sceens in movie stuff
  19. Not just that peds atacking peds they can atacking you, man
  20. I'm played TMNations on-line cople min. ago
  21. Yeah, but in VC you geting only 50$ it would be nice if you report bank robery then you get a 1000-10000
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