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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. Pic: Yeah, maybe re-install will help, but still when did this problem start?
  2. Those are some nice pics of Paris, GTAP (GTAPlayer) especialy at night.
  3. Mafia and Fahrenheit. I love those games
  4. I played Gran Turismo 2 on my PS1 good old clasic.
  5. I use PC very much even more then four-five h I use "him" for school, for fun, for forums like this and to be "uploaded"
  6. One person drive the car and another soots from a gun on it.
  7. Yeah, I know. And did you ever saw that car from Halo...
  8. I like you opinion GTAPlayer, but (I don't want to negative now) how many times you said "Maybe"
  9. Song from Titanic and I do not know real name of that song, so can anyone tell me
  10. Well, thet's just a rumor but it would be cool, man.
  11. Yeah, I know what you saying and Gycu the list is awsome, man.
  12. As we talking about Pay n Spray then when we go to it then we sould be able to chose colour we want. And we shoulb be able to mod car, bike, truck...
  13. Thats not much, maybe buy a new phone or something like that. WWYDI You won on a lottery 50 millions $
  14. Sorry for the double post but here they are:
  15. OK I'll star all over just I have to erase all my previous pics.
  16. I would wake my self up. What would you do if gang member enters your room and point a gun right to your head?
  17. Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. If you didn't know VC took his place in Florida, I think.
  19. No, my teachers are easy ones, I "had" headache, and that's one f***ing big exam EDIT: Half of my class got D, soooooooo!!!
  20. Yeah, I have to agree with Rashon125 because, do you remember that CutScean in San Fierro when you took the mission in Wo-Zi-Mu and he told CJ he is blind and then CJ told him "But, you know that I'm black not yellow, right"
  21. Yeah, it was in Driver 3 and I like it, good ideas GTAPlayer, man.
  22. Wern't Vice City,San Andreas and the stories expansions No, they didn't, those games were complitly new games and story ones were for consoles.
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