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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Thomas.


    Well don't go around making Homophobic remarks. Some people will find this offensive. I don't think you should do it again, you may be suspended. Also sending a flame PM for nothing (Practically) is kinda unacceptable because I only posted a Comment in someones Profile. I honestly didn't know, so sorry.
  2. Thomas.


    I am cool with you now. I hope that last PM didn't offend you too much.
  3. Notice: I now have to send an Email to you guys with your sig attached because they don't want to upload onto any Image Hosting site. So after you request a sig PM me your Email Address, so I can send you your sig after I complete it. TFY
  4. He won't have kicked him in the Appendix. We didn't see it so we can't believe it.
  5. Maybe we can talk about this in the Bayside Chat because this is Ideas for the GTAP Server.
  6. I dunno. It happened after me and Noru went off. Something Randomly kicked me off the server last night. I was setting up cars for you guys (Black Sentinels)and I was brought out the game.
  7. Ay Be See Dee Ee Ef Gee Hatch Aye Jaye Kay El Em En O Pee Cute are Es Tee You Vee Double-U Ex Why Zed
  8. No, just don't steal any of the cars from that area. There are 3 or 4 Cars parked behind the mansion and 2 Helicopters.
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