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Vista doesn't seem to be compatible with San Andreas. When I try to install it, it always gets stuck at Starting InstallShield Wizard and never goes any further. It drives me insane because I really love Grand Theft Auto and I want to be able to play it on my new laptop so bad. Going back or using XP is not an option.

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Vista sucks. Period.

I've not tried installing GTA SA on Vista yet (I use dual boot) but already I've found so many programs don't work fully or at all. A lot of the problems should be fixed in the future as releases come out from M$ and the respective companies. I know GTA SA doesn't need to be installed to run, so if you can install a copy on a different pc then copy the installation directory across to your Vista pc that may work.

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Well I think he tried but it never went past the installation process so I don't know what to do. Not much knowledge in the computer area but listen to Elite Smurf and chris82 they know what they're talking about. I was planning to get a new computer with Vista installed, why does it suck so much? Limited compatability with some programs?

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Wow that's a lot, thanks Chris(82) I'll check it out now. :)

Edit: Looked over most of the stuff and even though I don't know a lot of stuff about computers it doesn't take a genius to know that Vista sucks. :lol: So what are you suggestions for me buying a new computer? Buy one with XP or wait until Vista somehow gets better?

Edited by Artur
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I run Vista and I have had ZERO problems with it, and my Gta Sa, the one you can put the hot coffee mod into, the first edition I guess you call it, installs just fine and plays just fine. I put the disk in and installed just like it did on my pc running xp.

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  Google Guru said:
Message to anti-Vista over there: It's not that bad. Sure, some stuff won't work, but it's a new operating system and you have to give it time. It's not my fault my laptop came with it, and I doubt I'll be sending it back because it did.

What if I ran XP within VMWare or something? =/ Can I do that?

Depening on your system you can run dual boot. but that means you have to buy a copy of xp.

OffTopic: Does n e 1 know where I can get a vista theme for xp without windowblinds or any of that stuff? (i like the looks but i dont like n e thing else about vista :P)

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