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Side Missions


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For me I would like some side missions like delivering petrol or stuff like delivery missions, but not the normal ones like pizza delivery and taxi missions.

Helicopter Ambulance, I was a bit surprised this hadn't happened in GTA games already, but it would be different to driviong the ambulance and it could be easier.

I can't think of many right now but show me your ideas ......

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  ps3 player said:
Helicopter Ambulance, I was a bit surprised this hadn't happened in GTA games already, but it would be different to driviong the ambulance and it could be easier.

Air Ambulance missions were in Vice City Stories, actually and I wouldn't be surprised if it returned in GTA IV. If the modified Liberty City is significantly bigger than the last, then it could be harder with all those city buildings in the way.

I'm not sure about any new side missions yet but I'd like all the basic routine side missions from all the other GTAs to come back (Taxi, Vigilante, Paramedic, etc.).

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That Avenging Angels side mission in LCS was kinda' fun for me. It's like Vigilante but you drive with some other dude and kill weak gangs, stopping jackings and eventually bigger small time unnoticed mobs with good guns and have to kill them. It would be nice if it was back. Fire Copter in the city would also make sense like in VCS building fires all over the big huge city.

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