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Umm... More GTA4 info? Spoilers!?


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Apparently, this info is supposedly from a guy who told people about the jet pack in San Andreas before it was released.

Be careful. There is some huge spoilers ahead, or maybe nothing. It depends on if you believe it or not.

Spoiler tags present!

The main character is NOT Nikko Bellic, and there ARE aircraft in the game!

Nikko Bellic is being used as a Mcguffin device to keep the real Main Character out of the spotlight, The real main character is Roman Petronov, Nikkos cousin who invites him to live in Liberty after Nikko has a HUGE falling out with a paramilitary/Mafioso hybrid wing back in ESTONIA.

Back to 2007, Roman invites Nikko to the US with lies of his fancy living, just because he needed Nikkos help in dealing with shady characters trying to move into his little slice of heaven, which is a Taxi-Firm Roman works at on a co-operator term.

You WILL play the prologue missions as Nikko, to give you a hint of the new controllers, sadly, I dont know the schemes yet, but as soon as I do, you do.

Anyhow, about three quarters through the prologue, Nikko goes for his cousins associate " Mosha " to recover some drug money from one of the FOUR gangs in Liberty, a mainly South American gang modeled after the Columbian Cartels from GTA3, and the real life MS-13 gang, named " Carta ( Car Tuh ) Once ( Own-Said minus the D ) literally Card 11.

During this deal, Nikko gets murdered, and Roman ( Who was a great guy naturally, and never harmed a soul in his life ) becomes deeply depressed, because he feels responsible for Nikkos death, who was his only friend, and his guard dog in a brutal new world.

Armed with nothing but grief, and a deep hate for himself, Roman goes off the deep end, leaves his meager but honest job, and decides that in Liberty City, theres only one way out for a criminal AND a working man, and thats through the cemetery, so why die a shnook when you can die a rich man.

Thats it for the story.

Regarding the aicraft, there are THREE helicopters in the game, all respawn, One police cruiser, one for the Liberty Tree News paper which also became WILC, a news CHANNEL, and one thats owned by a person youl be working with for most of the game.

Bikes are OUT, but SIX motorcycle types are in.

C-11 will be a HUGE enemy in the game.

The Russian and Italian Mafias are at war and youl get to do missions for both.

Maibatsu has become a major player in Liberty City, and Monstrositys are the norm in upper-middle class areas.

And finally, You WILL be mugged/Jacked/Jumped/Begged for money/held-up/car jacked AND possibly ignitiated into THREE different gangs, where you will be able to climb the ranks, through their own set of missions.

Take this how you want, I got labeled a LOON when I posted about the Jetpack in S.A. Under my then old account, Same name, different numbers, and when I posted about the Vortex.

Here Is the original source.

It sounds like it could be true. But I won't believe it until there is more info, or possibly until we find out by playing the game.

Edited by Andrew91
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Too bad he can't spell, would have been more credible. Rockstar employing uneducated retards isn't something you would think they do, and they don't.

If it is true, I don't see what he's getting out of it. Some of it seems common sense, some of it seems logical, perhaps wishful thinking. Obviously he knows a bit about GTA. We'll see what comes of this.

Remember, until you hear it from Rockstar directly or indirectly, it's not official.

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Ok, just read through all 8 pages of the GF topic. He seems pretty legit too.

Also, they're all saying they remember him from when he tried to tell everyone there was a jetpack and hovercraft in San Andreas. Of course everyone thought he was bullshitting - the we find out they are indeed in the game. Everyone reacts with a "holy shit he was telling the truth!".

Good predictions? or genuine knowledge?

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Ya, well if it is true about Niko not being the main guy then that kinda stinks. I liek Niko, he kicks ass IMO lol.

I'm kind of hoping this is not true. I also like Niko. He seems like he will be an awesome person to play as. But the idea of it does seem like a good one. Like I said, I won't believe this until I play the game.

Ok, just read through all 8 pages of the GF topic. He seems pretty legit too.

Also, they're all saying they remember him from when he tried to tell everyone there was a jetpack and hovercraft in San Andreas. Of course everyone thought he was bullshitting - the we find out they are indeed in the game. Everyone reacts with a "holy shit he was telling the truth!".

Good predictions? or genuine knowledge?

But, he also said that he posted the info on the jetpack under a different user name. It may not have been him.

Edit: I agree with you now. I read it through all the way, and it does seem credible. I'm starting to believe this.

Edited by Andrew91
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He got banned for what they thought was 'trolling' at the time? I'm not sure.

What also struck me was his use of certain terminology. Where he said "[bellic] is being used as a Mcguffin device" - unless you have a working knowledge of certain media/film concepts, MacGuffin is not a word you'd often use, it's certainly not common. Could be relaying information, or perhaps it's just coincidence that he knows the correct term for these things.

A MacGuffin is generally used to drive the plot along while having little relevance to the story, not necessarily to keep a character out of the spotlight. Bellic not being the main character seems a little odd to me. Then again, if we find out Roman's surname is what he says it is (Petronov) then we'll know he's telling the truth.

Petronov, Bellic - if they're cousins, you'd think they'd at least be from the same country? The surnames suggest otherwise - see, some of this stuff he is saying doesn't really add up. I'm still sceptical.

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actually, i'm half convinced, but why would they lie to us? to keep the excitement?? like they would knew that there must be someone who will post the truth and make everybody confused? this is a possibility dude, but if this is true, gameinformer would be pretty pissed after they know that the words on the magazine was a huge lie!

now this is something i wasn't expecting: a whole different fact/rumor!!!!!

damn! i hope october will come fast!

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actually, i'm half convinced, but why would they lie to us? to keep the excitement?? like they would knew that there must be someone who will post the truth and make everybody confused? this is a possibility dude, but if this is true, gameinformer would be pretty pissed after they know that the words on the magazine was a huge lie!

now this is something i wasn't expecting: a whole different fact/rumor!!!!!

damn! i hope october will come fast!

Maybe no one is lying.... Maybe all that magazine played was the beginning, in which, according to this guy, you play Niko. So they'd automatically assume he was the main character, y'know, being that he was the one being controlled.

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Too bad he can't spell, would have been more credible. Rockstar employing uneducated retards isn't something you would think they do, and they don't.

If it is true, I don't see what he's getting out of it. Some of it seems common sense, some of it seems logical, perhaps wishful thinking. Obviously he knows a bit about GTA. We'll see what comes of this.

Remember, until you hear it from Rockstar directly or indirectly, it's not official.

I know you believe it know, but he says he got the info from his friend in R*, that doesn't mean that he has to spell it correctly ;)

@ Nate10: Gamefaqs

I believe this, because I don't really like Niko as a Character, it kinda doesn't suit the GTA type of game, but it would be a huge twist if they did that.

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