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Camilla Stolls


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Well, this is a girl that went to my elementary school but stopped because she was diagnosed with Lukimia(I think that's how you spell it) in 5th grade. It's the very start of third trimester in 7th and she's only been well enough to attend 6th grade once and 7th grade twice. Sadly she passed away yesterday at 1:00pm. I was never a great friend of hers but I wanted to dedicate this topic to her.

Edited by Nate10
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Leukemia or leukaemia (spelling differences) is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow and is characterized by an abnormal proliferation (production by multiplication) of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). It is part of the broad group of diseases called hematological neoplasms.

R.I.P. Camilla

This should be pinned

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R.I.P. Camilla

Leukemia is Blood Cancer.

And this type i dont remember the name(But they are of 2 types) spreads easily in the body.

And hence no chance of survival by any operation.

Only some people,who detect this disease at the First Early stage can be saved.

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