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PS3 V XBOX 360 V Wii


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Finally.....Im already grown up.

ON TOPIC - PS3 has just got an exclusive title from R* so 360 or Wii owners can't get there hands on it, if you need a source go to the topic in general gaming the one Ciaran made, he has a link in there.

Like they all say.

So basically a new GTA or something else?

Edit: link to source

Edited by Oskar
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So by saying "what is the point of me saying this" you haven't said it?

Just admit your faults, is that so hard?

Ok, ps3 had a few exclusive titles. But almost all games for the Wii are exclusive. Like The Zelda serie, Brawl, Galaxy, Metroid ect. Games that mark Win.

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Wow, topic gets unlocked and THIS is how it goes?

ps3player... if you want to stop arguing its very simple. You just don't reply to what he says, and argument's finished. Amazingly simple, I'm sure even you can manage that one. In 4 pages there has been about 2 things said about the ps3/360/wii - discussing that isnt the issue, its everything else thats going on here.

And Oskar, it'd help if you'd stop trying to provoke them. In talks of growing up

Go /b/ an hero or something.
You sure do make a great example of yourself. The whole POS thing, yeah, really no need for that. Just don't provoke him to argue and we'll all be alright and not make idiots of ourselves.
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Ok, ps3 had a few exclusive titles. But almost all games for the Wii are exclusive. Like The Zelda serie, Brawl, Galaxy, Metroid ect. Games that mark Win.

They don't mark win, well not yet, lets see how they fare, for all we know they could turn out to be the biggest pile of crap saying that though so could the exclusive for the PS3.

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Zelda already has. And I highly doubt Brawl is going to mess up. It really looks great as far as I've seen and I think it's pretty hard messing a game up by the title of "super smash Bros."

I've got mixed feelings about Galaxy, but knowing Nintendo it's probably going to be great.

But you haven't answered my question about the online features. Oh, and yes. I admit that both (360 and ps3) (until now) top the online features of the Wii by far. But maybe Nintendo will start concentrating on that once. They are already trying to get it all up so I think in about a year games will have some great online features. Brawl is going to have them so that's going to make a great game better. Can't wait.

Again? I (and Jace) shouldn't have been warned at all, after all this is the warzone hence the arguments.

For a change, I do agree. This is, as you already stated, the Warzone.

Edit: Oh, and ignore the price. Just purely the online gameplay and features.

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Why wouldn't it be good just cause you have to pay? It's just the price of one game a year.. Yes, that's 300 EUR for 5 years, but then you really get superb online gameplay in return. And I'm a Nintendo fanboy, not a MS fanboy so I'm saying this with a neutral view to things.

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Achievements. Scoff if you will, but boosting your gamerscore is driving many 360 owners to rent or even buy games for the 360. Plus, it's pretty fun to have a bigger gamerscore than your friends. And yes, XBL is still superb, even though you have to pay for it.

Look, just because you have to pay for something doesn't make it worse than something that's free. Prime example: the freebies from Second Life. They all look like shit and usually don't come with scripts.

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I say the PS3 costs too much because it hasn't really proved itself as a gaming console yet. I'm not gonna pay $600 just to play Resistance. If the PS3 had more, great, and exclusive games, then I wouldn't mind breaking the bank.

Look, more than likely, I'm gonna end up with a PS3, whether I like it or not. But not until there's a bigger price drop. Or 10 great exclusives. (And I'm not gonna count anything with Gran Turismo in the name as a great exclusive.)

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