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PS3 V XBOX 360 V Wii


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Not every game HAS to use motion sensing. SSB Brawl isn't, and if I'm not mistaken you also can just use classic controls if you wish by plugging in a NGC controller (for the ones used to Melee).

No wonder the higher-priced PS3 model outsold the basic nine to one -- it's not like there's any games to spend the extra cash on.

Lol :P

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IMO the Wii has the best games. You don't necessarily need lots of power for a good game. Just look at Legend of Zelda OoT. Still pwns the shit out of most other games and it's almost a 9 year old game. I'm fine with the graphics of the Wii actually. And I'll always have my PC for stuff like Crysis.

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IMO the Wii has the best games. You don't necessarily need lots of power for a good game. Just look at Legend of Zelda OoT. Still pwns the shit out of most other games and it's almost a 9 year old game. I'm fine with the graphics of the Wii actually. And I'll always have my PC for stuff like Crysis.

Best games my ass. I was just looking at Wii games, nearly half of them were made by Disney and were that "Meet The Robinson's" or some fishing game. The Wii has one or two great games, (Zelda, Wario Ware) and that's it. It doesn't compare to the Xbox 360's catalog. (Because, well it's been out for so much longer.)

Honestly, come on. "Best games"? Come on dude!

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Pretty much the best games, yeah. Why'd you think I bought a Wii? Again, I can buy 15 ps3's and 30 360's. Yet I choose the Wii cause it pretty much pwns the other 2 in fun. TLP, Brawl, Galaxy, Smooth Moves, Corruption, Super Paper Mario, the Mario Party series, Mario Kart. All pwn the shit out of other console games (also GTA IV) and I'm sure Nintendo's still going to make many more.

So now name 3 games that pwnz the all mighty Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time, a almost 9 year old game, from the other consoles.

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Doesn't have the best games but I think the PS3 won't be behind in 2008 when a few more gaes come out, can't wait for Pro Evo.

If Final Fantasy 13 and Metal Gear Solid 4 are released in the same time frame then it defiantly won't be behind. Another thing that could really boast sales for the PlayStation 3 would be Universal Studio's going neutral and coming to Blu-Ray, that would be the final nail on the HD-DVD coffin and would really make the thing sell well. (Although, that second reason wouldn't be for gaming.)

But these things are taking forever to come. As for the Wii, I REALLY doubt it'll have the same sales as it's having now in a few years. Zelda's already out, and all the other big titles come out this year. But if you look at Nintendo's track record, they have a tendency to release just one of those big games for each console. (Aside from Metroid.) Plus, I mean, how much longer until each FPS, each racer, and each Madden game control the exact same way? Then you have a GameCube with a few innovative, different titles every so months. The Wii doesn't really have any long-term potential for me to be honest.

Eh, those are just my opinion's on the consoles. I think everyone already knows that I like the 360 because it has everything I want, so I'd rather not write it all up.


Pretty much the best games, yeah. Why'd you think I bought a Wii? Again, I can buy 15 ps3's and 30 360's. Yet I choose the Wii cause it pretty much pwns the other 2 in fun. TLP, Brawl, Galaxy, Smooth Moves, Corruption, Super Paper Mario, the Mario Party series, Mario Kart. All pwn the shit out of other console games (also GTA IV) and I'm sure Nintendo's still going to make many more.

So now name 3 games that pwnz the all mighty Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time, a almost 9 year old game, from the other consoles.

Sure, the Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is good, but I don't need to spend $250+ to play that. (I'm assuming you bought it on the Virtual Console.) I could either just play the game on the N64, or play it on the GameCube since I have the GC version.

All those other games you listed don't really interest me. I hate Metroid with all the back tracking, Brawl seems like fun as does Mario Galaxy, Mario Party and Smooth Moves received bad ratings I heard, and Mario Kart will probably control like any other racer on the console. So basically you've got Mario Kart: Double Dash with added controls which are similar to the other racers on the console.

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Had OoT for GameCube.

And what's with this 'cool' thing. It ISN't COOL, it's just a great console and fun and that has nothing to do with coolness.

Actually, the thing is, I think it is the "cool" thing to have right now. Back when it was first announced, WHEN I WANTED ONE, and it was called the "Revolution", the "cool" thing was to hate on Nintendo and to love the PS3. Well look at things now! The "cool" thing is to hate on the PS3 and to cream your pants over the Wii.

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Free movie is better than nothing, and I wouldn't want a game that I didn't like hence the movie idea was a better one imo.

Sooo, ending up with a sucky movie is better than ending up with a sucky game.... For your GAME CONSOLE? I don't see the logic, personally.

They could have but at least they done something, I dont see Wii or 360 owners getting anything lpus I actually LIKED the film, Casino Royale, I know its not action packed but it wasn't meant to be.

I know it's been said, but WiiSports...

Well if I was playing a football (soccer) game I wouldn't want like fake, well not fake but not the actual professional in the game. You want to be playing with the 'REAL' porfessionals. Though not slating the game or nothing just saying what I prefer, it mihgt be a nie game and from what I heard it sounds good.

Honestly, what does it matter who these 3D models and pixels look like? Personally, I couldn't really care less if I had professionals in sports games, or racing games, or any other game like that. As long as it is fun to play, it doesn't matter what the pixels you're looking at look like.

Just on question is Fifa 08 or Pro Evo 7 coming out on the Wii? Not too sure about those games I like open world games and football games mostly, hardly get any other game, few exceptions though.

Zelda = Open world game.

Just want to check out the motion sensing on like moving players etc, how would they do skills on the wiimote? etc. thats all and I would have probably got some other games but probably not many.

With the analog stick.

That link you showed us Benoit, andplease no offence but change your display name, it looks as though your insulting the grat legend wrestler.


I know but isn't it just the same things over again, well you got a point TEC so I couldn't argue with you there.

Ummm..... The "recycled" Mario and Zelda games have way more variation than recycled sports games. Sports games rarely get much different, and those seem to be what you enjoy the most.

Uhm, dude. Until now they've only made 2 mario's for consoles... 3rd still coming (Galaxy).

................. Jace...... You're an idiot.......

Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros. 3

Dr. Mario

Mario & Wario

Mario Paint

Mario's Time Machine

Super Mario All-Stars((I count this as a game, even if it's a collection))

Super Mario Kart

Super Mario RPG

Super Mario World

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Dr. Mario 64

Mario Kart 64

Mario Party

Mario Party 2

Mario Party 3

Super Mario 64

Super Mario Sunshine

Paper Mario

Apparently I can't count....... Because that's not even all the Mario games out currently, and I count 20 just right there.... :mellow:

Ok fair enough, just don't know why any like really good games come out in the Wii, like GTA and stuff like that, its probably becasue it has less power which is a shame.

GTA came out on the PS2, no? I see no problem, then...

Actually, the thing is, I think it is the "cool" thing to have right now. Back when it was first announced, WHEN I WANTED ONE, and it was called the "Revolution", the "cool" thing was to hate on Nintendo and to love the PS3. Well look at things now! The "cool" thing is to hate on the PS3 and to cream your pants over the Wii.

Well, at that point no one knew much about the Revo and people were probably doubting Nintendo because the GC was only "kiddy games"... On top of this, Sony was lying through their teeth about the PS3.... Now we know what the Wii does, and what the PS3 doesn't. So it just makes sense.

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Actually, the thing is, I think it is the "cool" thing to have right now. Back when it was first announced, WHEN I WANTED ONE, and it was called the "Revolution", the "cool" thing was to hate on Nintendo and to love the PS3. Well look at things now! The "cool" thing is to hate on the PS3 and to cream your pants over the Wii.

Well, at that point no one knew much about the Revo and people were probably doubting Nintendo because the GC was only "kiddy games"... On top of this, Sony was lying through their teeth about the PS3.... Now we know what the Wii does, and what the PS3 doesn't. So it just makes sense.

Although I agree with you, I have to say, the Wii DOES have quite a few games aimed at children. (I was just looking at Wii games the other day and saw quite a few games like "Meet The Robinsons" or whatever.)

Still though, you are right. Oh and Jace, those games Spaz listed, they aren't the only Mario games. There's Mario Party 4-8, New Super Mario Bros, and quite a few more. See them all here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mario_games_by_year Hes in like, at least 5-10 each year. :o

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Well football games are different, they do actually vary from year to year, like different players in the teams becasue of transfers and also different modes you can select. Also making your own football player etc. Its not the same all the time. Fifa is sometimes but definetly not Pro Evo.

Benoit was a great person, you don't actually awtch WWE, I know he done some bad stuff and all that, but he did go mental in the end.

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