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I got some...probems.


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I dont know what the hell is going on, it started for some minutes ago.

I cant open any of those option arrows around TGTAP, nor see Youtube videos.

The adverts doesnt open either.

I cannot enter my MSN Inbox, it just apears white, and it says "Continue" at the top.

Can anyone help me with this?

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Silberio - you're thinking formatting your drive.

De-fragging means exactly what it sounds like. As you use your computer, it adds to existing files. A FRAGment here, one

there... the file is spread all over your drive & when you use the file, the computer has to look for all the parts. When you

run the de-fragger, it finds all the little pieces & parts & puts them back into continues files. Your computer speeds up

because it's not looking all over the drive for the various bits. While it's at it, the de-fragger also puts the files in order so

they are easiear to find. Sky & ŤFŸ13 were on the right track.

Formatting is when you wipe the drive to get rid of old data or to install a new drive. Often a severe virus buries itself in

the operating system & the only way to get rid of it is to wipe (re-format) the drive.

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