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Who thinks JT could finally kill GTA?


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After recent topics I've been reading, it seems that Jack Thompson is again trying to destroy the GTA series.

Do you think he could do it, explain how and if you don't think he can do it, explain why?

In my opinion, he won't be able to do it since people like Jack Thompson never win, he will do something to Rockstar one day and get it in the neck. :P

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hmm he probly got gta3 for xmas and couldnt complete it, so decided to attack the company...

yeah anyways, no i dont think he could ever take down rockstar. This kind of stuff started out on films, then on music, but there are still gruesome films being shown, and still music with gun related lyrics. If JT believes that a game can reflect on someones life, then he is as weak minded as the person who plays gta, then goes out and murders 100 people with a minigun :S. So in my opinion, JT is gona be living in an allyway sooner or later

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  Donkey Porker said:
It's obvious he could never end GTA. For one, he can't legally go after the game, Rockstar Games, and Take Two anymore. Two, he's a moron who doesn't understand the game itself or gaming culture. And three, he keeps hiding behind religion, which ain't helping him.

Legally he can go after the game because it's for a different reason this time, but I don't think he'll win.

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At the begginning of loading screens of the previous gtas it always says that any characters in the game do not represent any actual person, business or organization. Im sure R* haven't purposly made a character like him its just that he has to pick at something.

Edited by cut yo jibber jabber
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Im sure R* haven't purposly made a character like him its just that he has to pick at something to make money.
Hahahahahahaha.... I can´t believe what you said... Hahahahahaha...... It´s Rockstar man!!! I believe they DID made it on purpose. I mean, what about all that billboards around GTA? Getalife in GTA IV trailer? They just want to piss him off even more because they know he can´t touch them.

Check this out if you don´t believe me.

They even recorded a song about how no one can touch they´re new GTA game.

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  cut yo jibber jabber said:
At the begginning of loading screens of the previous gtas it always says that any characters in the game do not represent any actual person, business or organization. Im sure R* haven't purposly made a character like him its just that he has to pick at something to make money.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!, I could make a game about you having to kill a lawyer called Jack Thompson and all I would have to do is put that on the loading screen, think it would work?

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  Connor said:
  cut yo jibber jabber said:
At the begginning of loading screens of the previous gtas it always says that any characters in the game do not represent any actual person, business or organization. Im sure R* haven't purposly made a character like him its just that he has to pick at something to make money.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!, I could make a game about you having to kill a lawyer called Jack Thompson and all I would have to do is put that on the loading screen, think it would work?

What I am trying to get at is that they are not targeting on actul people its just that he thinks they are. ^_^

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  cut yo jibber jabber said:
  Connor said:
  cut yo jibber jabber said:
At the begginning of loading screens of the previous gtas it always says that any characters in the game do not represent any actual person, business or organization. Im sure R* haven't purposly made a character like him its just that he has to pick at something to make money.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!, I could make a game about you having to kill a lawyer called Jack Thompson and all I would have to do is put that on the loading screen, think it would work?

What I am trying to get at is that they are not targeting on actul people its just that he thinks they are. ^_^

he thinks conservative, means that he can't accept changes, same w/ the 1950's, where people try to ban rock & roll because the parents thinks it's evil, ridiculous sh*t and totally nonsense at all, glad that the law never passed, i mean who can stand a world without rock & roll?

JT didn't think about money, he thinks about his principles, which is going to drive him down to the gutter >.<

Edited by ArtSweet
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  ArtSweet said:
  cut yo jibber jabber said:
  Connor said:
  cut yo jibber jabber said:
At the begginning of loading screens of the previous gtas it always says that any characters in the game do not represent any actual person, business or organization. Im sure R* haven't purposly made a character like him its just that he has to pick at something to make money.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!, I could make a game about you having to kill a lawyer called Jack Thompson and all I would have to do is put that on the loading screen, think it would work?

What I am trying to get at is that they are not targeting on actul people its just that he thinks they are. ^_^

he thinks conservative, means that he can't accept changes, same w/ the 1950's, where people try to ban rock & roll because the parents thinks it's evil, ridiculous sh*t and totally nonsense at all, glad that the law never passed, i mean who can stand a world without rock & roll?

JT didn't think about money, he thinks about his principles, which is going to drive him down to the gutter >.<

I totally agree, i mean this is the 21st century. changes happen get over it. :bashhead:

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  Connor said:
People like Jack Thompson only see the bad things about video games, GTA relieves anger and sets out a good message at the end of the games, also San Andreas is against drugs..:P

Yer i agree to that aswell, the amount of times i have played all of the six of the ps2 titles i aren't going to go out and kill people with a minigun. its just fun to mess around play free roam, stunting whatever.

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  Connor said:
Yea, when you see those cases where people have killed people and blamed it on video games are stupid because think of how many people who play the video game who haven't killed people, it shows that people who kill people who blame it on the video games are stupid.

GTA games are rated 18 but i am 16. i suppose it depends on how mature some people are. Its just some people go mental about it.

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