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do you think that rockstar could've made gta4 online better?

do you think that rockstar could've made gta4 online better?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. do you that rockstar could've made gta4 online better?

    • yes
    • its just fine
    • i dont care what they do i just want to play

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Yes, they could have improved it. After you have played most game modes a few times it gets old and there is one thing that really pisses me off which is lagging. I run over a dude and then instead of falling under my car the dude teleports while shooting next to my car and kills me in a second. Also sometimes i shoot people for 4 - 5 seconds before they even aim at me and then they just dont lose health, turn around and kill me in a second... In other servers that does not always happen though.

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it's just fine.....the laggin problem mentioned above is a problem the rockstar cant do mcuh about and the problem about respawnin rite atside of ppl is also solved because the host chosses where ppl respawn sso there isnt really a problem

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Ditto, that's just rude.

A couple things I can think of:

Hosting - I'm getting sick of crybabies that just want to race supercars in star junction & when they don't get their way

they start w/ "BOOT THE HOST, BOOT THE HOST!!!", total BS. The host needs to be immune from booting & have the

power to boot a problem player on their own. They are the HOST, if you don't like the match then leave. I got GTA4

at a midnight release the day it came out & to date have had 1 boat race & 5 heli races.

GTA Race camping - This is the most chickenshit thing I've yet to see online. When you die in a GTA Race you respawn

unarmed next to a Faggio. The problem w/ that is someone figured out where the spawn points are & will camp w/ SMG

so they can keep killing some unarmed poor SOB repeatedly. This happened to me once & I got killed 4 times before

I could get around a corner & pick up a grenade (fortunately Auto-Aim was off this time). The campground was closed.

1 - You should spawn w/ an assault rifle (20 rounds) & armor that both go away when you enter a vehicle.

2 - The AR & armor should NOT spawn on GTA Race Map.

3 - Remove Auto-aim from GTA Race, this only encourages camping. If it is left in, it should only be in effect for the first

10 seconds after you spawn, giving you a chance to get back into a race.

I do use Auto-Aim for deathmatches, it belongs there.

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  Gazbaii said:
No not really...just the fact that it doesnt connect half time..!! :bashhead:

A lot of that has to do w/ your connection, dial-up is especially bad. If the problem persists, call your provider & see

if they can test your connection. Mine (through the cable company) had been repeatedly hacked by neighbors who

wanted free cable & every time there was a storm I got dropped. Once the line was replaced, my my connection has

been a lot better.

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  FallenClyro said:
The only thing I'm dissapointed about is the fact that most games I try to join I will get disconnected from. Thats about it really, I think it's great to play with friends.

well that doesnt happen at my friends house but it only happen when someone is one his computer

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