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Wiped my HDD


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Hey guys.

Because CSS wouldn't launch at all, I had to wipe my HDD causing major loss to all my files. :(

I only backed-up my important files, and a few installers, and put them onto my FTP for TGTAS, witch was ok..I guess.

But.. my pictures and all my downloads are gone. My movie (Blade 3: Trinity) is gone too. :(

But, my computer works as good as gold, and is fast again :D

What do you do if you have to Wipe your HDD?

Any questions/discussion, about your problems when starting fresh?

Edited by I©e
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Putting all your important files onto an internet server that is 100% less reliable than solid state media?

I'd say not very.

You could easily have launched CSS by going to run as... and setting it up properly. You lose, i guess.

Oh, and take your pirated film bullshit somewhere else.

How is it 100% less reliable? I backup all my shit to my server and then just re-download... what's wrong with that?

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Do you guys have a clue what you're talking about? Solid-state means no moving parts, as in flash drives, including solid-state hard disks - as opposed to magnetic hard disks. That's got nothing to do with being "on the Internet" or at home.

"Internet" servers are probably more reliable cos they're managed by professionals, not 13 year old kids who accidentally wipe their hard drives and lose fluffy toys in the side of the PC they're trying to unscrew. Not pointing fingers, but I've seen it happen so many times.

If CSS wouldn't launch, why didn't you just re-isntall Windows? You dont HAVE to format when you do that, the installer can just delete the old copy of windows and install the new one. That way you keep all your files, and you get a brand new fresh copy of Windows.

External hard drives aren't expensive, you can get small ones for virtually nothing, and they are absolute lifesavers sometimes. Failing that, a couple of DVDs should do you for most your stuff.

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WTF. Seriously why the fuck would anyone re-install an entire OS just because a fucking game doesn't launch. Don't you even bother trying to figure out what's causing the problem and just rectify that. Surely a whole lot easier, no? If not you're even lazier than me. Installing an OS sucks.

Weird. Seriously though just invest in an external hard drive. You can get a 500GB one for under £70 and I'm pretty sure you don't have that much stuff that you'd fill it up.

Really only people in the film/photographic/3d modelling etc. industries should need shitloads of space like that, that or you're weird like me and have a ton of 'content' you need to keep safe...

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I had a virus, and it infected Counter-Strike: Source, and all my Local Disc. :(

When ever I opened Local Disc C, and went to any folders in it, I got a Spyware or a Trojan warning, warning me to get an Antivirus, witch I clicked Cancel, and it redirected me to a site with IE Antivirus. -_-

And, I use Home Edition, so I cant use the Professional backup wizard. My computer is a shitty ELONEX, with a shitty Processor. AMD 64 Athlon, WTF! And 704 MB of RAM, issn't that much either, but my computer is shit. :(

I can upgrade it to XP Professional, but then I lose my things because I'd have to do a clean installation.

If I had a Laptop, I could have sent my files to that, but I don't...so thats out of the discussion.

I'm sure in time, when I actually need an external Hard Drive, I'll get one. But my mum hates alot of wires around my computer.

She comes in after I set my USB DVD drive up, and messed with the wires, putting stuff where SHE wants them. It pisses me off tbh. <_<

Once, she sore my computer (system) pulled out, so she pushed it back right to the damn wall.

I had ago at her, because my Wireless PCI Adaper wasn't getting very much Signal, and it kept disconnecting ever 4 minutes, from our Router.

EDIT: Don, I don't have hardly ANY downloaded games from Torrents. <_<

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Even for ALL of those reasons, doing an OS install without formatting would have worked, AND kept all your files. It was your explorer.exe that was infected, not your C drive folder.

You dont need the backup wizard at all - settings are easy to replace, files are not. Just save your files onto a disk/drive/FTP, like you did.

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correct me if im wrong, why dont you have a antivirus / antispyware , theres plenty of decent FREE ones. (avg, ad-aware, spybot, im sure theres more) so you could fix the virus without having to format ur bloody hard drive. you shouldve just burned to DVD or something.

lol the backup wizard just automates (wizard) guides you through the process of copying your files. you can just do this yourself lol.

or just reinstall CSS if that doesnt work...jeeeeeeeeez.

if you had your windows cd, you coulda just repaired. then the other stuff would still be accessible, but just as files. so it would make a new profile to overwrite it...

like Owner.ICE replacing Owner or whatever. your files would still be in owner, so you just copy em over.

^ yeh a portable / external hdd is really useful. i used to use my ipod, but it started filling up so i bought a WD 500GB network one.

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Dude, if you don't do the updates to your antivirus, believe me, you will be fucked up with new virueses. The updates are only to update your antivirus virus/trojan list.

Can you imagine if a new virus enters in your computer and erases everything?

Also, you should remove the films that you have torrented off of the internet, that's warez.

Edited by S-V
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Is it your computer or your mom's? If it's yours, she needs to respect that leave it alone. I'm an old-school prick &

I get that. Also, is it a laptop or desktop? My desktop is set up w/ an 80 gig I use for a boot drive & a

200 to keep the games, mp3s & other stuff. The 80 leaves plenty of room for whatever I want to do but if I get a virus,

I can just reformat it & reinstall the OS (XP Pro). Best of all, it's all internally mounted so your mom wouldn't have a pesky

cable to annoy her.

Something to consider.

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