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Modern Warfare 2

The Bossman

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  On 8/29/2009 at 11:20 PM, Bateman. said:

Here they both are, from GameTrailers. They're poor quality, but at least there's new footage to see:



Link 1 is single player, link 2 is Spec Ops - basically Co-Op.

Thanks, found them already though :)

The game looks quite good, can't wait to see what they've done to multiplayer.

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  On 9/2/2009 at 9:06 AM, TM™ said:

I laughed at the end. You can throw knives lol. That is just amazing, literally. I mean you could throw it to an enemy from far away and most likely he could get hit.

Also, I don't know much about the host migration ingame thing. What does that do?

Haha yeah at first I thought they're were spotlighting the host migration feature but then the guy threw the knife :P

And before in CoD4 if the host of the game felt like being a dick he could just end the game by pressing start and going to that option or if he left. Now I think if that happens, the game simply changes hosts and the game resumes back to normal.

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Brand new multiplayer footage has been released. See it here (it's in HD, if you don't want to see it in HD, then click the link below it) - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/video.php?id=3099

SD link - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=222429

It looks absolutely jaw-dropping. The footage revolves around 2 people, maybe more, against a massive amount of enemy players. It's the 'capture the flag' mode. They get the flag near the start, then go through various alleys and buildings, killing everyone in the way, and then get a point for returning the flag to their base. A few killstreak bonuses I saw includes the standard UAV after 3 kills, air drop after 4 kills, and predator missiles after 5. Right at the end, FourZeroTwo is killed by a throwing knife, so they're in the game too. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Doh, didn't see the earlier post of the same footage. How about 9 new gameplay videos, yes? See them below:










Here's a link to an article on MW2, albeit for the 360 but it's the same game - http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/102/1025233p1.html And, a link to more videos, including new handheld ones filmed by IGN - http://uk.media.xbox360.ign.com/media/142/14281102/vids_1.html

EDIT: And 2 more videos, christ. One has detailed info on Create-A-Class, and shows you most of the weapons and their stats, which you can see clearly when you pause. I've noticed that Commander level now is level 70, so Infinity Ward have increased the amount of ranks by 5, from World At Wars 65 ranks, and 15 ranks more than the original Modern Warfare.

Create-A-Class - http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14281102/call-of-duty-6/videos/cod2_createaclass_091609.html

And, a video on Killstreak Awards here - http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14281102/call-of-duty-6/videos/cod2_killstreakrewards_091609.html

So, things I see on the Create-A-Class. I see lots of new attachments. Only 5 you can see, the others are classified, but the 5 are Grenade Launcher, Red Dot Sight, Silencer, Shotgun, which is new, and Heartbeat Sensor, which is also new. You can have 2 attachments at once this time, so Red Dot Sight and a Silencer, or Red Dot Sight and a Grenade Launcher, etc etc. I presume you will have a set number of options to choose, and that you can't choose to combine EVERY attachment in groups of 2, but I could be wrong.

The 5 areas to choose from - Assault Rifles, Sub Machine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, and Riot Shield. No Shotgun section, but they can be used as secondary weapons this time. So, instead of a pistol like a Desert Eagle, you can have a silenced Shotgun instead, should you choose to. More on the secondary weapons - there are 4 classes, and yes, the Shotgun is in here, along with 3 others. So, Machine Pistols, Shotguns, Handguns and Launchers - Grenade Launchers? I see 2 machine pistols - the PP2000, and the G18, a Glock. And get this. You can even have ATTACHMENTS for your chosen weapon. Think of it like Overkill from COD4, but this time you can have a different perk in its place. 3 attachments I see from the low-res video - Red Dot, Silencer and Akimbo. 2 Shotguns I see, SPAS-12, and an AA-12, which I've never seen or heard of, but it looks like a machine gun. 2 handguns there, the USP.45 and a .44 Magnum, which looks awesome. Ah, OK. The Launchers section is just either RPGs or Grenade Launchers, so they're not attachments. the 2 launchers I see are the AT4, and a Thumper x 2.

The overview looks like this:




Special Grenade

Perk 1

Perk 2

Perk 3

Death Streak


Reset Class

If you wanna know more, watch the vids, lol. There really is too much to type. I could potentially type another 2 thousand words, or more, easily.

Edited by Bateman.
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Right, that's it. I'm not watching those gameplay videos you posted. It'll ruin the jaw-dropping experience when I come to play the game!

Seriously though, I can't wait for this. It's going to dominate.

Below is the list of current known Perks:

Akimbo | Akimbo Pro

Ability: Allows to dual-wield any sidearm.

Pro Ability: ?

Note: Akimbo is confirmed, but its Perk Slot is unknown (slot 1, 2 or 3)

Perk Slot 1

Marathon | Marathon Pro

Ability: Unlimited sprint.

Pro Ability: Get over obstacles faster.

Sleight of Hand | Sleight of Hand Pro

Ability: Faster reloading.

Pro Ability: ?

Scavenger | Scavenger Pro

Ability: Full resupply from dead enemies.

Pro Ability: ?

Bling | Bling Pro

Ability: 2 primary weapon attachments.

Pro Ability: ?

Classified (needs to be unlocked)

Ability: ?

Pro Ability: ?

Perk Slot 2

Stopping Power | Stopping Power Pro

Ability: Increased bullet damage.

Pro Ability: Increased bullet damage vs. vehicles.

Lightweight | Lightweight Pro

Ability: Move faster.

Pro Ability: ?

Hardline | Hardline Pro

Ability: Killstreaks require 1 less kill.

Pro Ability: ?

Cold-Blooded | Cold-Blooded Pro

Ability: Undetectable by UAV, air support, sentries, and thermal.

Pro Ability: ?

Classified (needs to be unlocked)

Ability: ?

Pro Ability: ?

Perk Slot 3

Commando | Commando Pro

Ability: Increased melee distance.

Pro Ability: ?

Steady Aim | Steady Aim Pro

Ability: Increased hip-fire accuracy.

Pro Ability: ?

Scrambler | Scrambler Pro

Ability: Scrambles (jams) the enemy radar in a small radius.

Pro Ability: ?

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  On 9/24/2009 at 6:21 PM, Bateman. said:

Well, as with any major game release, there's usually a myriad of spoilers and articles, right? I'm just keeping the topic up to date.

Yeah, it's no problem, it's just this game has such promising multiplayer, so it's bound to reveal so much stuff about it.

And yes, single player information is non existent, for the time being at least. But even so, still looking forward to it. Only a few months now...

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New trailer is coming out soon. Community manager Robert Bowling said on his Twitter page:

"Just reviewed the final cut, this is the one I've been waiting for! All new Modern Warfare 2 trailer hits online Sunday, OCT 4th!"

Sounds exciting, I won't be watching it though because I don't want to ruin the game anymore for myself! I'm hyped up enough thanks.

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Additionally, the first piece of DLC has seemingly been dated for Spring 2010, via, of all the places, an energy drink called 'Monster'. Here's a link - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224591

And here's the quoted article:

An Activision energy drink promotion has dated the first piece of Modern Warfare II downloadable content.

Energy drink 'Monster' is flogging, among other things, "5000 MW2 Map Pack codes", which it reveals is planned for release in spring 2010. You'll probably be bored of the vanilla disc maps by then. Maybe.

Infinity Ward revealed earlier this year that it plans to release at least two Modern Warfare 2 map packs, with first access given to owners of the Xbox 360 version.

A message on the side of the new Monster cans reads: "Creator Infinity Ward hooked us up with an advanced copy of MW2 and we were so stoked on the game we put it on our can." We reckon money was probably involved too.

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Another great bit of news. Hans Zimmer, a prolific multi-award winning composer is composing the Modern Warfare 2 score, or has composed it. It's probably all finished now. If you need reminding who Hans is, firstly, why? Secondly, check out some of these films he's provided the score to, and thirdly, check out his IMDB page - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001877/

Famous films he's composed:

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And 4-0-2 confirming his work in MW2 -

http://bit.ly/Ug5gf - @thr confirms: Oscar winner Hans Zimmer is the composer of Modern Warfare 2's score. His first video game focused work
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  On 10/1/2009 at 9:28 PM, Bateman. said:

Additionally, the first piece of DLC has seemingly been dated for Spring 2010, via, of all the places, an energy drink called 'Monster'. Here's a link - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224591

And here's the quoted article:

An Activision energy drink promotion has dated the first piece of Modern Warfare II downloadable content.

Energy drink 'Monster' is flogging, among other things, "5000 MW2 Map Pack codes", which it reveals is planned for release in spring 2010. You'll probably be bored of the vanilla disc maps by then. Maybe.

Infinity Ward revealed earlier this year that it plans to release at least two Modern Warfare 2 map packs, with first access given to owners of the Xbox 360 version.

A message on the side of the new Monster cans reads: "Creator Infinity Ward hooked us up with an advanced copy of MW2 and we were so stoked on the game we put it on our can." We reckon money was probably involved too.

Its not the first DLC:


Heard its out sometime this year, just a limited exclusive.

World Premier Trailer #2:

Edited by Charger
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No. Judging by the article I mentioned, it says the DLC will be out Spring 2010. So, that'll be for 360 first, and then the PS3 will follow not long after. I'm guessing about January for the 360, and March for the PS3. I already knew the packs were a timed exclusive, and I mentioned it on other pages as well.

But, to counter this, a spokesman for Infinity Ward said the following:

"I think you might be confused by that. We haven't even begun thinking about what our DLC will be, let alone finish any. NO DLC will begin development until the entire game is finished and certified."


And more. Lots more MW2 news. First up, there's possibly a 2 week delay ahead for the PC version of MW2, but it's merely just rumour at the moment, and Activision haven't commented.

As if there couldn't be any more Call of Duty-related revelations today, Modern Warfare 2 has seen a slight delay on PC.

That's according to a report by Electronic Theatre, which claims that the PC version of the game will now arrive a fortnight later than its console cousins on November 24.

File this under rumour for now. We've contacted Activision UK for comment.


For you 360 owners receiving messages about a possible MW2 BETA - ignore them. They're asking for your password, so you can get a BETA which doesn't exist. It's all a scam:

Microsoft has warned Xbox Live users of a growing scam related to a supposed Modern Warfare 2 beta.

"We're starting to see some people - evil doers - who are trying to impersonate people from Infinity Ward or Microsoft saying, 'oh I've got the key a Modern Warfare 2 beta - a secret beta. If you just give me your password, I will get you in...'", Xbox Live boss Stephen Toulouse said in the latest Major Nelson podcast.

"There is no beta," he said, just like we reported this summer. "Don't give out your password," He added. "That concerns me because I know people are excited about Modern Warfare 2 - I'm excited about Modern Warfare 2 - but you've got to remember, if you give out your password that's always a scam. It's never not a scam."

You've been warned, kids. As for the naughty perpetrators who are tricking Xbox Live users into handing over their keys, Toulouse said: "We'll take care of them, don't worry."

Check out the latest Modern Warfare 2 video (it's above too) and the Modern Warfare 2 Achievements list.


Lastly, the full list of multiplayer maps, Special Ops missions and 360 Achievements have been revealed. For Achievements, read Trophies for PS3 as well. See the maps and Spec Ops lists below:

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Spec Ops:

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And, the Achievements below:

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It seems, judging by the achievement list, there'll be 17 levels in single player. Also, the last level looks to be called 'Endgame' yet again, just like COD4. I think it's good value, 17 multiplayer levels on the disc. That's one more than COD4 had, plus add the DLC to that, and that'll be about 23 levels at least, maybe more.

Bit more info, basically a sort of brief round-up:

Spec Ops

* Spec Ops mode features a variety of different game types and objectives, such as the wave defence type (surviving a wave of enemies).

* You can achieve a different amount of stars for Spec Ops missions. You can achieve a total of 3 stars per mission. 1 star for beating on Regular, 2 for Hardened and 3 for veteran. (going by this for completing a mission on recruit you will achieve 0 stars).

* Spec Ops mode is as long as the Single Player Campaign if you want to achieve all the stars.

* There are 23 Spec Ops missions.

Offline Splitscreen

* You can have fully customisable classes.

* There is a separate ranking system for offline splitscreen. This is similar to online but separate.

Online Multiplayer

* There will be snow maps in multiplayer.

* Some of the multiplayer maps will feature weather effects. This will also include varying visability.

* They have addressed the modded controller issue, but in a different way to the recent Call of Duty 4 patch.

* Tactical Insertion cannot be thrown, it is dropped at your feet.

* The Maximum level is Level 70

* They have so far shown, in videos and pictures, only up to lv26.

* There will be rewards for prestiging, however these are currently unknown.

* You can shoot down enemy helicopters from above if you are shooting from the AC-130.

* You will be able to mute other players whilst in the lobby.

* Riot Shields cannot be destroyed but cracks will appear after time and this will reduce visibility.

* You can combine any attachments using the Bling perk, however if they wont physically fit (e.g Red Dot Sight and Thermal Scope), you will not be able to combine them.

* One of the new attachments is a thermal scope.The EOTECH scope is holographic, it creates a picture (circle with a dot) holographically in the scope.

* It takes 2 rockets to take down the AC-130 so teamwork is needed.

* Items received from air drops are random, you could receive anything from a resupply of ammo to a killstreak reward.

* Flash Grenades force you to expose some of you body if you are carrying the riout shield.

* Demolition is similar to Search and Destroy, except you can respawn in Demolition.

EDIT: Hey, Captain Price MAY be back. :D Check out the guys website who voices him, look at the news section:


Edited by Bateman.
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