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Hacker group takes down lots of websites


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By now they have taken down lots of multiplayer online servers, and some sites which are back up, but they did steal passwords, they did. Look out for them, any site can be hacked at anytime...

Source 1 (CIA Site Hacked): http://gizmodo.com/5812530/lulzsec-leaks-62000-emailpassword-combo-internet-goodie-bag

Source 2: http://twitter.com/#!/lulzsec Their twitter

Collection of leaked passwords: http://www.mediafire.com/?9em5xp7r0rd2yod

Stuff looks scary to be honest. Though my email/pass isn't there.

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Worse they can steal from me is my Steam account, I only have 3 games on it (apart from the GTA's which I have on retail as well) so...

Anyway, they hacked the CIA's site and you think they'll come after TGTAP? :P

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All of these sites deserve to get hacked. They're all big sites that should know better, they have money, they should have employed programmers who can do their jobs properly. Any site storing passwords in plain text is a massive breach of its users' trust. Yes it sucks for those users who got their passwords leaked, but if the site just encrypted the user's password (incredibly simple to do) they would have had no problem.

Even if TGTAP did get hacked, which I highly doubt is likely due to the fact we only have about 40k members, we're not mentally retarded enough to think it would be a good idea to store your passwords in plain text.

Also, why are you guys saying the hackers are "pathetic". You'd only say that if you were one of the users who got his password leaked out. What they're doing is a good thing. Without them, too many websites would be getting away with the crime of storing sensitive data in plain text for everyone to see.

Just think, any database administrator legitimately employed by those websites can see your password, do you trust these idiots with it? I wouldn't.

What these hackers are doing is raising awareness of the fact that it most definitely is NOT safe to store plain text passwords. They're doing a good job and I hope more high profile sites fall victim, since it seems to be the only way to get them to improve their security measures.

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  On 6/19/2011 at 2:45 PM, Chris said:

All of these sites deserve to get hacked. They're all big sites that should know better, they have money, they should have employed programmers who can do their jobs properly. Any site storing passwords in plain text is a massive breach of its users' trust. Yes it sucks for those users who got their passwords leaked, but if the site just encrypted the user's password (incredibly simple to do) they would have had no problem.

Even if TGTAP did get hacked, which I highly doubt is likely due to the fact we only have about 40k members, we're not mentally retarded enough to think it would be a good idea to store your passwords in plain text.

Also, why are you guys saying the hackers are "pathetic". You'd only say that if you were one of the users who got his password leaked out. What they're doing is a good thing. Without them, too many websites would be getting away with the crime of storing sensitive data in plain text for everyone to see.

Just think, any database administrator legitimately employed by those websites can see your password, do you trust these idiots with it? I wouldn't.

What these hackers are doing is raising awareness of the fact that it most definitely is NOT safe to store plain text passwords. They're doing a good job and I hope more high profile sites fall victim, since it seems to be the only way to get them to improve their security measures.

You're right about that. Sure, hacking websites is obviously illegal, unless if the government or some entity hires you to take down someone else's server, but the /b/tards who are responsible for the attack have a point in doing so. The greedier and more corrupted you are, the more likely that you'll end up being hammered by an angry mob.

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