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What do you think happened to Liberty City?


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I think that either Joey or Toni became Don of the Leone Family, and I think they more or less stayed the same as they were in GTA 3. The Yardies probably felt obligated to become the new Spank lords of Liberty, but they held competition with D-Ice who probably raided the Cartel base seeing an oppourtunity when they were weakened. The Yakuza probably lost the casino, and now the Kanbu Claude busted out has become Waka-Gashira operating out of his dojo. The Forelli are probably completely gone. The Cartel are either gone, or so weakened that they hold no real turf.

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The Yakuza probably easily got a new leader and are stronger than ever as the Leones are weakened and the Cartel. Toni probably became Don as Joey was too immature, but kept on attacking the Triads so he gets assinated in the cafe by a Triad. The Cartel probably got a new leader but are weaker and involve themselves in other branches of crime. Claude and Maria are dead as when that shot went off it couldve been Joey avenging his fathers death. Just my ideas but they are probably wrong.

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Im not a bit angry. Im a little flustered by your holier then God attitude, but Im not angry. Where is your proof? I have never seen something signed by Rockstar saying "GTA2 is connected to GTA 3." so till that happens lets not fight about it. Also thanks for that link even thought it doesn't have much, and it is made by fans which means it isn't solid proof.

Edited by Silent_Metzger
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Here and here.

I ain't acting like god. Infact, I think we both have the same rights, and I don't want to fight either. And yes, what members on wiki write doesn't have to be true, but there are admins to check the statements made,a dn to correct them. Fyi this info about GTA2 was there since the site was launched, so that means it was solid proof.

E-mail R* if you want, I'd be glad if you do. Just let's try not to make this forum look immature by flaming where we're not supposed to. If you show me ANY proof other that your "RyanVG-type" predictions, I'll take it like it's true. But until then...

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  • 10 months later...
  Hawk said:
Gta 2 isn't even based in liberty city and Claude can talk.

Bold 1: Fail

Claude was captured after the events that took place in GTA3 and frozen. He was released 12 years later, in 2013, and that's when GTA2 takes place.

Bold 2: Fail

Played either GTA3, GTA: San Andreas or GTA2? Apparently not.

Not only does he not speak in any of these titles, but in san andreas, CJ says:

That mute asshole, that motherfucking snake without a tongue...


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  Hawk said:
Gta 2 isn't even based in liberty city and Claude can talk.

OK your way off. Have you even play GTA2 and 3? He cant talk because he was shot by Catalina in the start of GTA3 and since he was frozen until 2013 in Liberty City. So i just proved you wrong with 1 sentence and that shows what you know about Claude

@swetzger: GTA 2, 3 and SA are all connected. SA shows how and when Catalina got together with Claude, GTA 3 shows how they seperated and how Catalina turned against him, and GTA 2 shows what happened to LC years later when Claude is defrosted. But your right about GTA 1 and VC not connected to them although GTA 3 is sorta Connected to VC it shows what Cassidy was like in 86'.

Edited by Highwire
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