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GTA SA loading sucked nuts

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Holy hell. Sure R* made it so that you dont have a loading screen when entering different parts of San Andreas, but now when you drive really fast things start to dissapear. I lost count how many times I was driving, crashed into somthing invisible and a tree appears 5 seconds later. I would rather have 10 seconds of loading rather than drive blind. Loading clothes are as long as my penis. It takes 15 seconds to load somthing, so it would take 30 minutes to get Cj a brand new set of clothes. Interiors suck too, when R* said there would only be a slight pause when entering buildings, if by slight pause they mean 20 seconds than yeah its a slight pause. If I played San Adnreas for 6 hours 5 hours would auctually be playing and the other hour would be loading.

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An hour of loading?



The loading is annoying sometimes. Changing clothes does take too long, but if you're like me you'll change it once and leave it how you like for a long time. Doesnt matter much. Loading for buildings really isnt that bad, doesnt take very long. Dont go into buildings much anyway. Saving is actually a lot faster than VC.

And you dont load between islands/cities.

1 hour of loading for 6 hours of play is rediculous. 10 minutes is rediculous. Stop exaggerating...at least do it believably.

And the draw distance...well if you think its bad in a car, try a hydra. Its even worse, it goes faster, and if you hit something that hasnt spawned....you're dead!

It is held back by the power of the Playstation. VC stretched the consoles limits, what do you think SA will do!

Yeah the PS2 simply isnt powerful enough to render stuff that fast. Wait for PS3. :D!

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Yea well actually, these kinds of problems only occur on the PS2 versions, since it is not that strong enough to be able to load tens of objects at once that quickly.

But on the PC version, people who have a RAM lower than 256MB will mostlikely to have this problem (since Windows itself uses 300MB of memory when idle... IDLE!!). But not in my computer, it has 512.5MB. Oh, and VRAM (of your VGA) also affects the "load prob".

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I have an Xbox version and the draw distance thing happens all the time to me. Most times when I'm running away from the cops. Pretty annoying at times. Clothes took way too long, I know they wanna make it releastic but instead of the main character walking in and out of the change room he stays in there and the clothes you pick have a pic beside them and you don't have to see it just "preview" how it will look. Sort of like in NBA Street V3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the ps2 version alwayz will have that problem and if u follow GTA news alot u should know R* stated that the frame rate was 2 fast for the game to load. which then turned into paradise for Microsof b/c R* was curious 2 see wat GTA SA could do with a faster macihene. therefore xbox version= no frame rate probs.

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