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Vic and Lance's Mother SPOILER-ISH sorta


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She's white?!

I mean, I know it's possible, but I'm wondering if Rockstar did this so they wouldn't get extra flack from PC groups. I can just imagine some typical dumb-ass liberal group getting upset because a black woman was depicted in an unsavory light.

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  luburgh said:

sometimes if people call someone "mom" ,it doesnt mean they are the real birth mother

i can name plenty of people that dont know there real mom or dad. so what i think is that vic and lances "mom" is actually like their dads girlfriend

I got my own NEWS FLASH

Vic and Lance were raised by their Aunt Enid. If they were going to call anyone "Mom," it probably would had been her, and not their cokehead biological mother.

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So I don't get it, the "mom" (the white one) you're talking about is the actual bioligical one OR Aunt Enid? I'm still leaning toward the fact that they are have white and half black or possibly adopted.

EDIT: I just read on Wikipedia that the Vance family is Dominican (from Dominican Republic duh?) and since the mother is white it would imply that the father was Afro-Dominican (Black-Domincan?) which would explain Victor's accent in VC or SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER

Pete Vance, the other brother. I'm not really sure though cause Wikipedia is not trustworthy. Here's a link but warning because there are spoilers on it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chara...es#Victor_Vance

Edited by ArturKim21
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