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Which country will drop the first...


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  1. 1. Which country will drop the first nuclear bomb?

    • Iran
    • North Korea
    • USA
    • Russia
    • Japan

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  Timmy Vermicceli said:
  HIM said:

well first of all, thats not how you spell RUSSIA!! itsa disgrace to mother land of mine.

Seconds, N.Korea is likely or Iran, but then do YOU or ANYBODY really knows??

Its only a matter of time.

So If I have a nuclear bomb waking me up the next morning, thats just the way it has to be. Can't do anything about it.

  I just shot a bear said:
Korea was spelt wrong too <_<

Well i dont think the bomb will ever drop as it would wipe out the world including the country that launches it. Come on whats the point.

What do you mean RUSSIA and KOREA are spelled correctly?!?!?!?

The spelling mistake was corrected already.

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  TG187 said:
Ok,so why nobody vote for Russia? I think that they have too the nuclear bomb.

Russia has almost as many as the USA does. (The whole Cold War). But Russia is damn near a 3rd world country, and they are in the UN as one of the big guns. Them doing it would be like us doing it (again). It would cause one hell of a back lash.

Short of Pakistan and India nuking each other into oblivion I really don't think you'll see any country doing it. Iran and North Korea can't afford to do it. The backlash would wipe them away. Whoever they were dumb enough to bomb would attack with full force and the US would try to send people in to help (or if they bombed us) and we would pull out of Afghanistan at least to do it.

I really don't think its much of a worry unless a terrorist gets one.

The US and USSR could have ended the world 10,000 times over in the Cold War and never did. Pakistan and India haven't done it to each other. Israel hasn't done it to Palestine (if they have it). Ask yourself why, then see if you think anyone else will do it.

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The Soviet nation,or Russia has the nuclear bomb.We know this thing.But,Russia waits that a war or something to began and then to launch it.

Israel has one nuclear bomb,and why should they use it in Palestina or Lebon when they can use it on America or England.

Iran,well here are problems are very big.Iran hates America,America hates Iran.Iran,could use there nuclear boms in Europe first.Then go to America and launch there too.So this is a way that they could destroy the world.

Korea,here problems are even bigger.N. Korea did those tests in sea and underworld.So that means that they want to see first how distructive are there boms,and then do a update.Like putting some more uranium,to do it much distructive.

Pakistan and India are not such a big problem.Not now,but if WWIII will star i think that Pakistan oder India with be with the ,,bad guys''.

Edited by TG187
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No offence guys.

But somethimes try to come in Kashmir.

I mean london Bombings,And people dammit cry and stuff.

Try to fell pain when each of our soldier or citizen dies everyday by militants or what you called terorists.

Dammit under pressure by SUper Powers doesnt mean we wont do much.

I fell the whole topis is pointless.

Pakistan and India are not such a big problem.Not now,but if WWIII will star i think that Pakistan oder India with be with the ,,bad guys''.

Sometimes when you are free.

Try to explain what BAD GUYS mean

Edited by Lord Voldemort
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^ Childish.... did samiam hack your account and post that because i didnt expect that from you.


I think America will drop the first. This and the way that Bush has been throwing his weight around.

I've read newspapers that say if he gets word of an attack being planned he's firing on them , i personally don't belive it , but ive heard my teachers at school conversing about it. 6th Formers discussing that bush was going to fire a nuke at blair if he underestermated him... More bullshit until i saw it on teletext.

Its a setup... this whole worlds a setup around all people growing up that want to do good in the world , they want you to do bad in life.... thats my opinion anyway.

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Country Warheads active Year of first test

Declared nuclear weapons states

Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) 5,830

United States 5,735 1945

France 350 1960

United Kingdom <200 1952

China 130 1964

India 60 1974

Pakistan 54-88 1998

North Korea 1-10 2006

Undeclared nuclear weapons states

Israel Israel 75-200 none or 1979 (see Vela Incident)


There are a lot of bombs out there.

We, or anyone could bomb the whole world and end it all.

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  TG187 said:
Yeah,but look at the numbers.What do they do with so many bombs? Only with one and the Earth will blow up.

WHAT!! it would take loads and loads of nukes to blowup the whole planet, they tested loads o nukes in the pacific an the whole world doesnt seem blown up to me <_<

Edited by Madlabrador
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