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clues for carcer city

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ever since the 3rd gta game was coming-wich was later called san andreas, everyone always thought it would be Carcer city. on pretty much all gta games you will hear the word carcer city on the radios or see the name of signs, or even hear the peds say they've been to carcer city. carcer city is the city used in the game manhunt, also a rockstar games, game. all the games have been in the usa and maybe they want to keep it that way to show everyone that america has alot of crime and alot of other problems. i would like to see the game in america rather than london because america is full of different crimes, cultures, sterotypes and different landscapes. carcer city is also a dark gritty city so it would be full of crime. I dont know who started the *rumor* that the game will be in london, they've already done it. i dont ever remmeber rockstar saying that the game will be in london. the only clue that the game may, and this is a very small chance, is that on san andreas when cj lets rosenburg, maccer and the other brit leave. they may have gone to england and maybe the game picks up from there. but i doubt it. so where do u guys think its gonna be, im stickign with carcer

carcer city being mentionned


Edited by jeff122
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Well they get the "london" theory from GTA London 1969. Either GTA 1 or 2 were based in Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas. Since they brought all of those cities except for London to the GTA III Trilogy, most fans think that London will start the GTAIV sequel, trilogy, whatever.

Your theory is sort of good, but this is sort of like my radio thoery and my theory is pointing towards "Tokyo, China"...yeah China, not Japan. I don't think it'll be Carcer because its another Rockstar game's location, but Rockstar might have left some hints in it along with Manhunt 2 about some GTA locations.

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Manhunt 2 may indefinitely have some clues, still awhile until we can see it in action and find them clues though. Remember Manhunt 2 has been in development for 3-4 years now, so chances they knew what they were going to do with GTA4 back then may have been slim. But yeah, it's a big possibility.

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Whoa, had no idea Manhunt 2 has been under development for 3-4 years, impressive. Well, yeah Carcer City is mentioned a little bit of everywhere but we'll see, if not Carcer City I believe Hong Kong or Tokyo, but damn I wish we could have a city with snow you know, that'd be great, now with the next gen consoles, just imagine what they could do with the snow.

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Yeah but it's still fun to argue over it until we all know!

I disagree with what Jeff says about London. London is probably the most culturally diverse city in the world, and it has a hell of a lot of crime. There are plenty stereotypes: cockneys, rastas, cabbies, businessmen and businesswomen, those dudes that still wear bowler hats and an umbrella, bobbies (police), skinhead neo-nazis, hippies, junkies (which there are tons of in london), and a whole host of different gang cultures. Then again, I've heard it suggested that the game could take place across the UK, which would mean a lot more variety, might even include my city which is totally crime-ridden and near one of rockstar's offices. also, the UK would mean a whole new aspect to acquiring weapons: the police generally don't carry guns except in airports and important locations in london, and there are no gun shops, you would have to get them like through various gun dealers in the game. No, I like the idea of GTA in the UK, and I think the American market will be surprised and pleased with the results of the game if it is.

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Yeah but it's still fun to argue over it until we all know!

I disagree with what Jeff says about London. London is probably the most culturally diverse city in the world, and it has a hell of a lot of crime. There are plenty stereotypes: cockneys, rastas, cabbies, businessmen and businesswomen, those dudes that still wear bowler hats and an umbrella, bobbies (police), skinhead neo-nazis, hippies, junkies (which there are tons of in london), and a whole host of different gang cultures. Then again, I've heard it suggested that the game could take place across the UK, which would mean a lot more variety, might even include my city which is totally crime-ridden and near one of rockstar's offices. also, the UK would mean a whole new aspect to acquiring weapons: the police generally don't carry guns except in airports and important locations in london, and there are no gun shops, you would have to get them like through various gun dealers in the game. No, I like the idea of GTA in the UK, and I think the American market will be surprised and pleased with the results of the game if it is.

Just adding to what you said London has a great variety of huge landmarks such as

London Eye

The Big Ben

Buckingham Palace


and of course many many more that I cant think of right now but London would be a good location for GTAIV.

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I dont know who started the *rumor* that the game will be in london, they've already done it. i dont ever remmeber rockstar saying that the game will be in london.

I honestly don't understand people's theories AGAINST London..... They've already done London, so that means they'll never do it again? By your logic, GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA Advanced, Liberty City Stories, and Vice City Stories NEVER HAPPEND. But since I have atleast three of those in the other room right now I'm rather certain they did happen.

Rockstar never said it would be in London. They never said it would be in Japan. They never said it would be in Carcer City, America, Germany, Mexico, Antartica, or even this world, solar system, or universe. They haven't said ANYTHING about location. So are you saying they won't HAVE a location?

Just trying to figure out what you're saying.

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I dont know who started the *rumor* that the game will be in london, they've already done it. i dont ever remmeber rockstar saying that the game will be in london.

I honestly don't understand people's theories AGAINST London..... They've already done London, so that means they'll never do it again? By your logic, GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA Advanced, Liberty City Stories, and Vice City Stories NEVER HAPPEND. But since I have atleast three of those in the other room right now I'm rather certain they did happen.

Rockstar never said it would be in London. They never said it would be in Japan. They never said it would be in Carcer City, America, Germany, Mexico, Antartica, or even this world, solar system, or universe. They haven't said ANYTHING about location. So are you saying they won't HAVE a location?

Just trying to figure out what you're saying.

I dont understand what your saying now they have used Liberty City and Vice City twice so London can be used twice

Anyway I think that there will be four major cities with London and Tokyo definetly being there and maybe Carcer City and another one.

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