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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/10 in all areas

  1. man we dont need a logo anyone can convert from iv and you havnt shown any pictures of what you can do we dont need modeling buy hand as we are using IV models i am just asking to rwils or vans123. not to you dude. there is 2 converter (except noelgamo) and i want to help in converting. dude i am also the leader of this mod and i want screen shots of your work
    1 point
  2. man we dont need a logo anyone can convert from iv and you havnt shown any pictures of what you can do we dont need modeling buy hand as we are using IV models
    1 point
  3. i tell you that there will be all the interiors, weapon pickups, savegame pickups, car spawns and more
    1 point
  4. me rwils79 and noelgamo (when he gets iv) and vans123 will do our best to never let this mod die johnathon956, this mod will never die. It's just not gonna happen the way we are going. BTW, I didn't really want to keep all of you guys waiting for the video tomorrow, so I decided to upload a few pics! I hope you enjoy! Just some random pics (sorry for the heat haze, I don't know how to turn it off, lol): Inside the diner Approaching the Broker Navy Yard Roman's Taxi Service, interior is coming soon! 4 Working on the railway tracks Look at this! The sidewalk drains are 3D! How cool is THAT? Rockstar sure do add even the little details to things! 7 8 9 The boat that starts it all, the Platypus 11 12 13 14 15 Again, sorry for the heat haze. Yeah MrLlamaLlama, +1 for that comment (Because of the pinning)! looking good bro
    1 point
  5. me rwils79 and noelgamo (when he gets iv) and vans123 will do our best to never let this mod die and well we couldnt share it with a better forum edit and MrLlamaLlama +1 on that comment
    1 point
  6. more updates soon and the niko is quenchus13's
    1 point
  7. some completed car spawns outside NIKO'S first safe house in broker
    1 point
  8. Thanks Huckleberry Pie and Spider-Vice! I was thinking about the pictures, and I thought I would just link you guys to my site! Much easier for me, seeing as I uploaded ***190*** in-game screen-shots of the mod! By the way, my first thoughts on the mod as you all know from the first post was just gonna be converting GTAIV's Broker to GTASA, so my site has still got the title GTAIV's Broker to SA, but DON'T be deceived, it is not that, but it is: GTAIV to GTASA! Anyway, drool over these pics! My Website - Ryan Wilson
    -1 points
  9. It's perfectly fine. He's showing us his work, not spam adverting his site. I'd love to see, but it appears he's already removed the link.... Here's the link everybody! ivbroker2sa.webs.com
    -1 points
  10. OK, rest of the diner interior is done, and there's a dynamic door (just for you n00bs out there, it means you can push it open) and some of the interior for the russian clothes shop is done! Uploading pictures soon!
    -1 points
  11. Updates!!! BTW, I am going to post new updates HERE instead of my wesite. New road (With this new road came the ground at the front of LOMBANK finally!): Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9 Interior for Russian clothes shop (One near first safehouse): Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6 - Ryan Wilson
    -1 points
  12. ParoXum? No, I don't even think he would convert stuff from IV to SA, it's just me, vans123 and noelgamo at the moment. But noelgamo can't do anything until he gets IV so he can convert. But he'll be in the team when he gets IV.
    -1 points
  13. Radiosity tutorials? Do you mean prelighting my map? Well, I already have vans123 on the job of doing that! He is doing a SUPER job with that! As you can see, the russian clothes shop is prelighted, inside and out!
    -1 points
  14. I'd have to say the worst thing in GTA3 is.... well.... Nothing really, I mean this GTA was a ground-breaker in gamer around the world. Really all the negative comment come from the fact that GTA3 is old and out of date. Vice City brought a leap in GTA tech to, But GTA3 will always be the best, in my opinion, the best GTA game out there today.
    -1 points
  15. Looking great, I'll have to re install San Andreas just for this when it's released
    -1 points
  16. Guess what guys? vans123 is hard at work making a video of this mod that will be available tomorrow for you guys to watch! I will edit this post when it's ready! BTW, I uploaded a avatar of me! And a photo on my profile of course! Also, which signature image do you guys like best? The bigger one or the smaller one? I personally prefer the smaller one, since it looks better, but most of all because the picture is taken (in IV obviously) at the place that we are actually converting at the moment!
    -1 points
  17. -1 points
  18. Hey everybody, I am rwils79 from GTAForums.com and the rules on that site won't allow me to host my mod, or show anything of it there, due to conversion rules. Anyway, I have decided to host my mod for everyone to enjoy here on thegtaplace.com! It first started off as me sitting at my laptop thinking: "I want to convert Broker to SA! Yeah! That's a good idea!" So, by the time I had converted a few blocks of buildings from Broker, I thought to myself: Somebody's got to convert the whole GTAIV map to GTASA at some point, and I've done this much and I'm not stopping now, why don't I just go ahead and convert the whole map? (I know it's gonna take a LONG, LONG time!). So far, I have converted a decent amount of Broker (Or at least what's decent in my eyes!), the whole of Broker Bridge and a bit of Algonquin, the but that's as soon as you get off Broker Bridge. I'll be uploading lots of pics for you guys to WOW at soon! The team is as follows: Ryan W - Me, the guy who started it all, the leader/founder and converter for this (awesome ) mod. vans123 - Converter and prelighter. noelgamo - Converter. -When he gets his hands on a copy of GTAIV PC. Huckleberry Pie - GUI (Graphical User Interface) artist, load-screen converter and GXT editor. gtasearcher - Advanced scripter, audio converter/editor, game start-up data hacker, graphics designer (along with Huckleberry Pie) and command-line programmer. magicsl33 - Animation creator/converter. Kogenta - 5 years Photoshop experience, graphics artist and texture enhancer/creator.
    -1 points
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