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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/10 in all areas

  1. Husky, it's posts like those that give people the Restricted rank. If you're gonna be a sycophant, at least don't make that the entirety of the message. EDIT: Thank you for considering my advice and revising your post.
    2 points
  2. Now Raybob, I don't usually tend to visit the forums as much as I would, but here's what I have to say: If you were here back during 2007-2008 you would most likely have been banned, without no thought. You're lucky you're still around and given a chance (Restricted group), because if you were here during that time, and acted the way you were, you'd be banned. Rather than make very idiotic posts, try to refine them, rather than swearing, try to speak properly. One thing you lack completely on is being nice to those on the forum, and your recent post against WRX wasn't nice. I think he knows how to spell and write properly in English, he's just lazy like some of us are. You're on the brink of being banned, and sooner, you will be gone from here. If you want to stay, follow the rules, or at least be nice to other members, rather than be cocky like you are. Heed our advice, it's going to not help you, but other members in the restricted group. You probably won't be able to take the advice we give you easily, but in time you will see that your presence on this forum has really given you a bad name.
    1 point
  3. well thanks for the comment dslppciy and yeh you are right, the Mod can run is a low/mid spec PC all you need to change it the draw distance to very very low and if you continue with some FPS lost then you can remove AA and the mod will continue looking awsome couse well all textures are over 512x512 quality you will see what alot of ppl can get in real IV
    1 point
  4. sorry for that rwils i just wanted to tell him that to respect you and BTW nice good so far my best to all
    1 point
  5. And what am i looking?? Official trailer of the project!!! => NICE! The mod can run on low PC, right? The prelight is good. And good timecyc. Thanks! And the official release date in summer! Cant wait...
    1 point
  6. I just quickly read all the posts in this topic unaware of it before, and jesus christ. You people in the restricted group are all pissy for being in it? Then why are you posting here in this topic? That's the last thing I would be doing. Are you so blatantly blind that instead of just accepting it and trying to be a better poster, you just rant about it here? If so, good luck not getting banned.
    1 point
  7. I don't think Raybob has a clue what's going on. L-Ric is right - nobody has a "right" to be on this forum. It is provided by Chris for free, and subject to you following the rules. If Chris (or his staff) don't want to let you use the forum or all of its features, then we can do that. You have completely ignored the rules and staff, so you have ignored the terms of your free use of this site. We've even tried to be nice by not banning you (which we could easily and legitimately do), giving you a second chance, and another chance. Yet you STILL complain that you don't have as many features as possible, and you want to Staff to go around cleaning up for you. So you want MORE from us for free whilst you continue to abuse the forum and ignore its staff? That's totally fair. You've run out of chances. You have a grand total of zero remaining. Have a week's suspension. Now either STFU or GTFO.
    1 point
  8. um you noob i can still ask if there is because there could be an old unposted update
    -1 points
  9. im not noob i was trying to say wait til he post something for updates
    -1 points
  10. The few apostrophes and capitals you were missing. EDIT: WTF?
    -1 points
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