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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/13 in all areas

  1. Glad you like the hardware & yes, the Dragonov is real (Bulgarian) & surprisingly easy on the bad shoulder. Been thinking about picking up something in .243 & .270 myself, they're among the few calibers still readily available. As for .45, I can still reload. I take my buddy & his kids shooting so the kids can chase down the brass. Standard warning here: If you reload get a good manual, Hornady, Lee, etc & follow it to the letter. Failure to do so may result in learning to rat w/ sticks tied to stumps.
    1 point
  2. Heyo(I never saw this topic back in the day??). Read up a couple pages, enough to catch the two 1911s you own Urban. Anyway I just want to say to anyone who's thinking of uploading their firearm collection think about the pros and cons of having others know every single firearm you own. I'm not sure if I'll post pictures or not but firearms have been around my life for a long time. I live in California where the laws are more strict(for example: legally anything I have can only have 10 round mags. But there is a pistol my dad bought before those laws were made and because of that it's still legal to have it's 16 round magazine). Is that a real 7.62 dragunov urban? That shits crazy. Have plenty of hunting rifles(maybe someday I'll post some beautiful pictures of some Remington 700s. Got 'em chambered in .243 and I forget the other(it's my fathers). Been shooting my friends 700 lately though, a model made in the 90s chambered in .270. Needs to be sighted in a little better but still gets the jobs done. I love .270. My father in the last year or so purchased a new Kimber Eclipse Custom II. Amazing .45. Most accurate handgun I've shot. I'm personally in the market for a .45 H&K.
    1 point
  3. BUMP ALERT!!!! Okay it's been a bit, but I'm curious what people's collections look like these days (in actuality my cable pissed me off for the last time & I can only cuss at GTA Online so much). Simple enough, pics weapons you (or family) own or use in military/police service & relevant comments. I would also answer questions on subject. Just a headsup, this is almost a 5 year bump so quoted prices have probably changed & a lot of images are gone. Surprised mine are still there as the photo account they're in was attached to my exGF & thought she would have replaced have replaced them all w/ Lithuanian midget porn. So if Chris is on Holiday on Malta or something, let him know his favorite GD American found a working keyboard. No, the guy w/ the Dragonov is not from Duck Dynasty.
    1 point
  4. Letting them play the games shouldn't be a problem as long as the kid knows the difference between a video game & real life. I've had my dealings w/ social workers, child protective services, etc, they're more of a problem than a fix. I know one case personally of a 16 year old that is completely out of control & will probably get himself thrown in prison by the time he's 19. Under sharia law he would have lost both hands by now but the last bit from social workers is his parents can't ground him, he might feel sad about it, meanwhile he steals anything not nailed down & can't respect other people, their space, stuff, etc. The second he's not happy he whines to some idiot at his school & CPS is at the door, "you can't do this, you can't do that, poor baby it's everybody else's fault..... These people should at least have children before being put in the position they're in. On the note of parents, check out the opening of the movie "Idiocracy", it explains alot.
    1 point
  5. UPDATE (Real surprise I'd pop into this one) First off, sincere condolences to the victims & families. Shortly after the mass shootings earlier this year some nutcase ran through the campus of a Texas university w/ a knife & killed several people. I would also point out the 9-11 attacks were done completely w/out firearms resulting in the murder of about 3000 people. When one takes the state of mind to harm another a firearm is nothing more than a convenience. I also agree w/ Huck on the point of parental responsibility. I've noticed these massacres tend to happen in jurisdictions w/ heavy gun control & "duty to flee" meaning if an intruder breaks into your home w/ violent intent you are legally required to run away instead of resist. Defending your family or self could result in you being arrested, charged/convicted & incarcerated. Over the years I've come across a few articles interviewing convicted criminals, asking questions like "Why did you break into this house & not that one?" Not counting personal grudges, the answer was almost always "I didn't think this one could resist" or "that one looked like they could put up a fight". In jurisdictions that recognize concealed carry & castle doctrine there is much less violent crime. It seems dirtbags think twice about mugging little old ladies when there's a 50/50 chance she has a 357 in her purse. I'd have to do some digging but somewhere I've got some FBI statistics to back this up. The answer is idiot control. As of this time gun control legislation is at a standstill but there's a bit of an ammo shortage. Supposedly this is because virtually every agency of the US Federal Government is buying any ammo it can get a hold of. It would appear the GSA wasn't content w/ flat screens & hot tubs, they also need a few million rounds of 22.
    1 point
  6. I completely agree with Huck. My wife babysits for a few extra dollars a week, the older kid is 7. He wants to spend all the time with my wife instead of playing. Why? The parents just sit him in front of a video game or tv screen so they don't have to do any parenting. Absolutely ridiculous. Shootings have to do with poor parenting more than anything else.
    1 point
  7. Reminded me of the Beatles albums burning in public due to John Lennon explaining their fame as greater then Jesus Christ, though I do believe it was more of an off the cuff remark from him, he was a man like Ghandi for our generation, just out to promote World Peace. Sadly, MURDERED
    1 point
  8. You are absolutely right Huck. Video games don't make people turn around and think 'oh wait, you know what would be a good idea? Shooting a load of 6 year olds' there is definitely something inherently wrong with a person for them to do that, something caused not by video games but by deep mental issues. It is crazy how certain members of the American public are condemning video games over these shootings but still don't see how being able to buy assault rifles used to equip your army off the shelf is a bad idea. Personally I hope that Barack Obama manages to pass the gun control laws he is suggesting, I mean Clinton managed it in the 90s until Bush took over.
    1 point
  9. You'd get shizzowned here for taking it to school. The only gun I can hit something with is a shotgun, for obvious reasons This little freshman shot a 12gauge with a safetyshot or something and it bucked him back. It was.. hilarious, to say the least
    1 point
  10. This'll get someone's attention. My dad was telling when he was growing up in the '40s, he would take a .22 to school w/ him. When he got there he would check it in w/ his teacher & pick it up after school so he could shoot rabbits for dinner on the way home. He was 10 & this was a small town in Kansas (but not Smallville). Times have really changed.
    1 point
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