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Everything posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. AUSSSIESS GOTT OWWWNNNNEEEDD!!!!! Hope they are able to tone it done a bit or reconsider or something, I have quite a few Aussie buddies I'd like to play L4D2 with.
  2. Don't have Modern Warfare now, Will be getting Mw2 around launch date(When game stores here stock up) Will be good fun. But yea, I don't really have anything to do at home without the internet. Didn't have internet for a week or so sometime back and i kept forgetting that, Used to see something on Tv/Remember something interesting and go switch on the PC to check that out ..and be sad after realising I don't have net access =(
  3. 6-8 Hours a day on the interwebz, During vacation it goes up to 12-14. Gaming 3-4 hours. Btw get Mw2 for PC bitches. Pweeze..!
  4. Errrmmm.. You tell us, You seem to be using his Photobucket account.
  5. Happy Birthday buddy ... =)

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  6. I got infected when I sent the tower to the store to get the new GPU installed in Jan March. When it came back AVG was uninstalled and I had a trial version of Norton installed, sooo like a normal person I uninstall that and put in AVG and BAM!! Resident shield detects a conficker/s... Edit: Yay Image!!
  7. Nuh huh.. JB as in jail bait porn!

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  8. I think there are Day and Night cycles, or you can choose the setting while starting the campaign. Any idea if the Special infected from L4D will be included in L4D2 along with the new ones?
  9. Get the latest Windows and Anti virus updates, Scan your system. Keep Resident sheild on if you're using AVG, Should block all the activities for it.
  10. If I had a huge mansion and ton of space I'd want one. Rockstar has put some really awesome work in the DLCs, the first and secound mission sound so awesome.
  11. Good stuff mate, Pretty decent for a beginner. Stick around and keep posting your stuff. If you need any help post Epic Photoshop help thread (its the pinned topic in the Graphics section)
  12. Happy Birthday buddy, have a good time =)
  13. I have been using a Seagate 500gigger for bout a year now, No major problem so far.
  14. Happy Birthday nigraa.. Have a good one :)

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  15. OH EM GEEE!!! So frickin awesome. Discos, fight clubs, base jumping, A CHOPPER PICKING UP A SUBWAY CAR!! So much more awesome than I had imagined it when I read the other article. Hoping R* release the episodes for the PC.
  16. Awesome, Hope there are some similar side missions. Do you guys already have a copy of the trailer which will go up after Rockstar releases it?
  17. Just above the page footer there should be a box which says "The GTA Place (Fixed width)" Click on that and you can select IP.Board skin or the Lo-Fi version of IP Board. I'm using the Fixed width one, Haven't had any problems so far.
  18. Credit the orignal author for their work, Stop leeching >_>
  19. That's so awesome, Just the other day while base jumping in Mta I was wishing for this in Gta4. Euphoria physics + Sky diving = <3. Stop ruining our fun Noru (- -)
  20. Bioshock. Did you get the soldies medal? What valve did with that was pretty gay.
  21. From file readme Your Gta SA user file should be in here -> C:\Documents and Settings\...\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files if you are using XP. If you have already saved in slot one of your saved game file change 1 in GTASAsf1.b to any number between 1-8. Hope this helps Use WinRAR to extract the file.
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