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Everything posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Aww man Not you too.! Take care buddy, Hope you have enough monies soon.
  2. Atleast this doesn't screw over the person buying the game, unlike Ubisofts' always online DRM and Activision taking out dedicated server support for Mw2. Also gamers haven't grasped the concept of Boycott that well yet.
  3. No idea then sir, From what I've read that error is usually due to a damaged disc. It may have something to do with with your write permission, Try installing it on another computer just to make sure the disc is alrite.
  4. Are installing it off Disc? Try copying the files to the PC and then installing.
  5. Assassins Creed 2 and Mass Effect 2. I'm not really good at games that gimme an option, Now i don't have enough Renegade or Paragon to unlock special Convos =( in the Last sequence for creed. Its been a good game.
  6. Are you installing it on an Administrator account?
  7. Love the idea of tournaments, Maybe have some even for Gta4. You guys should get in touch with Rockstar and get them to send you some stuff to give away (t-shirts, Stickers, posters, etc) I don't think they'll mind, giving away stuff once a year for a larger community seems like a pretty good deal. Its sure to get more people interested and take it a bit seriously. Also I'm just gonna rant on a bit here, Lack of commitment to the server is not exactly true, Couple of us were pretty much always on (Wrx, Earthbound, Noru,etc), I guess the development side was a bit slow, then again we were all pretty new to Lua and were still learning. Fairly sure that it was the which server got really unstable towards the end (Going down for hours, not showing up on searches) After which people stopped going on.
  8. I don't mind making the gang forums read only but don't get rid of them (assuming that is what you mean by 'next few weeks"), a lot of work, effort and memories has gone into that part of the site. Cheers all the retired Staff, Good job maintaining the site. Edit I don't seem to have access to the gang forums.
  9. He isn't.. That is the quality of posts done by an average Indian teen(at least by a majority of 'em). Its sad but true, I blame Orkut for this.
  10. Haven't watched it yet but I've read its giving people seizures? Will post some valuable comments when I've watched it.
  11. It looks like (Puts sunglasses on) You don't have the balls.
  12. So Zynga refuses to refund the amount and then blocks the account with £900 worth of stuff in it? Hah Boned!
  13. I checked the homepage after reading the layout post and was running back here at godspeed to tell you that you broke the site.
  14. EvoLuTioN

    Bad Company 2

    Kay I got the defibrillator, Funny how now there seem to be so few bodies around.
  15. EvoLuTioN

    Bad Company 2

    Bad Company 2 with friend is so fikkin fun. Love the Squads and how you have to play as a team,etc. Been playing with Matt since morning, 4 Hours straight! Oi Chris burn all those games and get on BC2!
  16. EvoLuTioN

    Bad Company 2

    /Bump Okay So I got Bad Company 2 the other day. Pretty Fun stuff, My Nick is EvoZaniac if anyone want to add/play a round or two etc.
  17. ..Like a madman sir!.. LIKE A MADMAN!

  18. Your link is the reason Im going to hell.. well atleast one of 'em

  19. Patch Match does look brilliant. Currently using Cs3, Cs5 seems like a good upgrade.
  20. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
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