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Everything posted by V

  1. I never really was a DBZ fan, I was a pokemon fanatic. There were always these feuds between DBZ, pokemon and digimon fans in my kinder garten years about who was best and powerful. I was on the pokemon side.
  2. You mght not recodnize some of these, but they are my favourites: Shadow Raiders Arrested Development Spongebob Squarepants Angela Anaconda Mythbusters The Simpsons (I have to admit too, its starting to decay ) Dexter (not the cartoon) Bam's Unholy Union House The Office (both versions) Boston Legal Family Guy American Dad
  3. I'm at 50... woohoo...
  4. There was a show in 2000 I think, it was called Angela Anaconda. Fantastic! It was one of those shows that were meant for kids but everyone thought it was funny. What made it special was that the whole show was made of newspaper, I know its sounds weird and unpractical. To this day I'm not sure how they did it, and why the hell they took it off the air!
  5. I don't like this idea. It adds complications, the car can stall at the most inconvenient times.
  6. Squalo for me too. Its strange, but I thing its actually faster than the jetmax.
  7. Shamal, got the stability of an AT-400, and the menouverability of a dodo.
  8. Those little monotonic theme songs of pokemon red from when I had a gameboy pocket. Takes me back to the good old days...
  9. Red hot chili peppers, but I don't get it, all the singles they released were the crappy songs on the CD.
  10. I don't believe in it either, if there were aliens they wouldn't come to our planet just to disappear a few seconds later. They would either kill us and get it over with, or organise a meeting with the worlds leaders and say "we come in peace". And if there is life out there I don't think its the big, disgusting, man- eating monsters hollywood has made us to believe, I think it would be like a small plant or insect. (bit anti- climactic, huh?)
  11. Rock, but not punk rock, and some trance.
  12. Lost in Translation. And to everyone whose seen blood diamod, Leonardo Dicrapio, got the accent totally wrong. Alot of people are pissed about it!
  13. Yes, we do have some nice landmarks here, but we recently bacame the number 1 crime country. They say its more dangerous here than in a war zone.
  14. Oh yes, as long as there is air in my lungs and petroleum in my veins, I will play vidoegames!
  15. Psychonauts, best thing since sliced bread.
  16. RPGs like oblivion, GTA SA, splinter cell. Racing like NFS carbon and most wanted. I also like to play teken, but I don't know what type of game that is.
  17. Where you from then? I'm from England and I bought it without any problems... South Africa.
  18. The costs, and I'm in a third world country, so lt'll probably get lost or more likely, stolen.
  19. Not from what I hear. Rockstar recieved virtually no money for the PC release of san andreas. For instance, one guy bought the game and made 20 copies of it and sold it to his friends on a lower price. I read on the website in a press statement or something that they lost so much money on the PC conversion and release that they weren't going to do it again.
  20. Very tempting, but impossible, since I live in Africa.
  21. It sux that they aren't putting it on PC, since I have neither Xbox nor PS3 (I know, Sux to be me!) but I would've voted for Xbox since its cheaper and from what I hear, beter.
  22. Yeah, they shouldn't forget the radio tracks. I love WCTR on san andreas, they should make a station like that again.
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